interracial lust

Does she like fat black men to pound the cock into her?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2,286 81.8%
  • No

    Votes: 510 18.2%

  • Total voters
well thought out post. Very good points to think about
If you read my response, you noticed I totally agreed with her, and for my purposes, she agreed with me. I’ve also noticed that most of those bigger blacks have a tendency to have spongy hardons, enough to allow them entry, and give a good fucking, but not what you’d call “rock hard”. My hubs got six inches, a breeze makes him hard, he fucks me for 40 to 80 minutes, when he‘s done he takes a shower, dries him self off, and can still hang a wet bath towel on what’s left of his hardon,,,granted, with my hub’s age and health, those 80 minute marathons are a thing of the past, he does good by me, but he usually has to stop without cumming himself due to his health. At present he says he‘s falling apart from the top of his head to his bellybutton, and from the tip of his toes, to just under his balls,,,he feels he’s being punished here on earth because eternity in hell isn’t enough time, so the Devil’s getting a jump start, LOL. He get‘s so frustrated at seeing these Viagra commercials for guys in their forties, he feels it’s not fair, when he first started to lose his hair he found out “male pattern baldness” was caused by the same testosterone that assured virility,,,that’s when he first decided God had a sick sense of humor, make the guys with the hardest dicks go bald, so the women wouldn’t glance twice at them, and it just kept getting worse,,,except for his dick. Next up COPD slowed him down a bit, but not that dick, then a tumor on his lung, requiring surgery to remove it along with 20% of his lung, which meant I literally had to do all the work, which is still okay cause nothing seems to effect that dick. I’ve already told him I’m having him cremated, because it’d be cheaper than ordering a custom built casket to accommodate his dick sticking straight out, LOL. Seriously (and some of you may identify with this), when he was at school dances he had to tuck the head of his dick under his belt cause he always stabbed his dancing partners with it.
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