ha ha ha . thats great your ******* integrated the family? cool lady i bet. - sorry about the rant, i an not in a cuck or swing per se, nor a cheat. its, lol complicated. and i get wordy because my/our 'arrangement' doesnt readily always fit the cuck chat here. sorry for the rant.
like mom , like ******* .... and her friends . None of her friends married a white guy either . Seems to be the new social phenomenon ......racial demographics ... Seems like more white husbands want /encourage their wives to "sample" bbc .
. TO: The_1 . , Supergirl says ,''c'mon you have this great apartment and you are a great host. Why don't you ever throw dance parties for me and my girlfriends? you could invite some of the guys you know from the gym.'' . . . . . . incapable of denying Supergirl anything , you thank Her for giving you the opportunity to host a dance party. . . .are you worried how it might turn out? all the guys you know at the gym are Black Men,: Supergirl and her girlfriends are all snow-white and between 18 n 22.
I would be so intimidated around those beautiful women and black men....honestly I might spend most of the night in the bathroom touching myself
@TheUBM N doesnt know the names of the club(s). but in the big eastern urban area these ase clubs galore. They say Blues or Jazz or Soul Music clubs are where she likes to go on Date Night when its Dance Night. . . . @TheUBM almost certain its monogamous, but likely invite heavy tease, flirt, maybe a grind or feel or kiss? to hypercharge her engines when they get home? , just conjecture based on N's observations and secrets whispered to N by the mysterious-twins.