In the NBWO we have to show respect and submission

Jag håller med ! Och det skulle vara en lag och ett brott mot alla slags beteenden att protestera eller göra saker som kan göra det svårt för den svarta mannen att göra sin plikt med de vita fruarna och gf eller dothers etc. All resistent from white man should be forbidden and give them hard punisch. I belive most white woman is going to really love this very fast.
are you swedish?
Exactly, this is not new, it has been done in the United States for decades, not so much in Europe. But it is a fantasy and a lifestyle that each couple lives as they wish.
BNWO is not a lifestyle, it's propaganda...a falsehood that is repeated over and over by those who started it until some believe it's real. It isn't, it's just BS.