How to tell if a black guy has a small dick without looking

Well this went left real quick! Some of y'all need electroshock therapy, just wow!
Olivia Benson Wow GIF by Law & Order
It's a simple fact, verified by military records and statistics. IQ tests are administered to all to determine who can pursue certain kinds of training, for example. That training can be expensive and intellectually rigorous. The AirForce does not want to waste millions of dollars on sub par fighter pilots, nor the Navy on SEALs. Get the picture ? Thus, blacks are woefully underrepresented in those highly desirable and high status fields. Even if all of this BBC propaganda was true, which it is not, the begged question is, what kind of "bullet" is being delivered ? I enjoy IR for its variety and entertainment, in both directions, but I pity the poor saps who believe the laughable "black supremacy" idea to be actual. A look around the world shows why.
I absolutely love it when you people tell on yourselves. You couldn't stop if you tried, could you?
No need to deceive yourself. Races, like individuals, differ from each other. And just as a Norwegian/Finnish skier will not outrun a Kenyan runner, no one will surpass Ashkenazi Jews in intelligence. How do I know? It's just an obvious fact. It is foolish to be offended by the fact that someone with excellent physical characteristics is less intelligent than his puny neighbor on earth. And women are weaker than men in intelligence and creativity. AND? Equality of rights does not automatically mean equality of opportunity. Period.
Captain Obvious opinion.jpg
It's a simple fact, verified by military records and statistics. IQ tests are administered to all to determine who can pursue certain kinds of training, for example. That training can be expensive and intellectually rigorous. The AirForce does not want to waste millions of dollars on sub par fighter pilots, nor the Navy on SEALs. Get the picture ? Thus, blacks are woefully underrepresented in those highly desirable and high status fields. Even if all of this BBC propaganda was true, which it is not, the begged question is, what kind of "bullet" is being delivered ? I enjoy IR for its variety and entertainment, in both directions, but I pity the poor saps who believe the laughable "black supremacy" idea to be actual. A look around the world shows why.
Dude. You are a disgruntled, basement-dwelling, cuck porn watching, unfuckable and nutless neckbeard. I see right through you. This is how you are compensating? Really?
Get off the Internet. Seek help. Read books. You are the reason why I have a standing rule of no white guys at my events.
just use Google and look at the ethnic composition of Nobel laureates;)
No I won't do that... The criteria for receiving a Nobel Peace prize is not exclusive to "intelligence" .
In any case what are you trying to accomplish here?
If it's me agreeing with you...
That's not going to happen.
I understand your point of view.
It has been summarily disregarded it😆.
There is no more racism in my conclusions than in the statements of the majority of the inhabitants of this site that the biggest dicks on earth are black!;)
Now I get it... Just looked at your profile you're bicurious...That's why you're so interested in dick. And clearly offended that this site's kink is focused on Big Black Dick and not white dick of any size.
Heterosexual men are not interested in other dudes dicks. Whether they be big, small, medium, Black, white etc. It all makes sense now🤣.
Now I get it... Just looked at your profile your bicurious...That's why you're so interested in dick. And clearly offended that this site's kink is focused on Big Black Dick and not white dick of any size.
Heterosexual men are not interested in other dudes dicks. Whether they be big, small, medium, Black, white etc. It all makes sense now🤣.
And now you have to talk about the supposed inferiority of Black people just so you can live with your pathetic self.
Go to Grindr.