How to figure out if my wife really is....

Ok guys.. im Hispanic and am married to a cute thick white girl.. we have been married for 18 years.. for some time now I have had thoughts of sharing her.. mainly with a black guy.. dunno where all this came from but in the past we have talked about who we have been attracted to and I have asked her if she was attending to black guys.. she quickly responded with no babe.. but also quickly looked away making me feel otherwise.. I have also noticed that the older we have gotten she has made small comments about famous black guys.. nothing over the top but she would say things like oh he's cute(light skinned) and I would say you know he's black right.. and all of a sudden she would be all nervous saying things like oh no way I didn't know nevermind.. but I could still see it on her face and in her eyes like if she was not wanting to tell me the truth.. tell me what yalls feelings are on it please
Classic signs of trying to hide her attraction and/or throw you off. My wife is the exact same way. For years she said she wasn’t attracted to black guys. Now that I cracked the code, she admits that she only fantasizes about black or brown men. My non-professional opinion is that your wife is a lot like mine. She’s just afraid of your reaction and maybe of the reaction of others in her life.
Classic signs of trying to hide her attraction and/or throw you off. My wife is the exact same way. For years she said she wasn’t attracted to black guys. Now that I cracked the code, she admits that she only fantasizes about black or brown men. My non-professional opinion is that your wife is a lot like mine. She’s just afraid of your reaction and maybe of the reaction of others in her life.
Ahhhh I see.. I have never made any bad comments about girls who like black men or anything like that but I do know how some ignorant people in society view it.. I have always wondered if she was just trying to keep it in the closet
Ok guys.. im Hispanic and am married to a cute thick white girl.. we have been married for 18 years.. for some time now I have had thoughts of sharing her.. mainly with a black guy.. dunno where all this came from but in the past we have talked about who we have been attracted to and I have asked her if she was attending to black guys.. she quickly responded with no babe.. but also quickly looked away making me feel otherwise.. I have also noticed that the older we have gotten she has made small comments about famous black guys.. nothing over the top but she would say things like oh he's cute(light skinned) and I would say you know he's black right.. and all of a sudden she would be all nervous saying things like oh no way I didn't know nevermind.. but I could still see it on her face and in her eyes like if she was not wanting to tell me the truth.. tell me what yalls feelings are on it please
The key to all of this is to make her feel that it is OK to talk about and share and that there is no judgment. I know we all like to think we create this so-called sense of ease for our mates, but that may not be the case. Just be mindful of your delivery, your tone, etc. Be patient with her, but always assure her that no matter what, you will still love and respect her. Many may disagree and say try this trick or that trick, and I am not saying they are wrong, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I can tell this with certainty, whatever you do, let her be the one to get there and not with any pressure from you. What you don't want to do is pressure her, then she will just end up doing it just to shut you up and could even end up resenting you, or, and this could happen, where she tries it and ends up loving it too much. Then your next post will be how to get her to stop.
The key to all of this is to make her feel that it is OK to talk about and share and that there is no judgment. I know we all like to think we create this so-called sense of ease for our mates, but that may not be the case. Just be mindful of your delivery, your tone, etc. Be patient with her, but always assure her that no matter what, you will still love and respect her. Many may disagree and say try this trick or that trick, and I am not saying they are wrong, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I can tell this with certainty, whatever you do, let her be the one to get there and not with any pressure from you. What you don't want to do is pressure her, then she will just end up doing it just to shut you up and could even end up resenting you, or, and this could happen, where she tries it and ends up loving it too much. Then your next post will be how to get her to stop.
Totally agree with the no pressure angle. Something like this, if a woman is at point A, she’s just trying to get her head around where you are coming from. Let’s face it, this isn’t your run of the mill fantasy or fetish. If you are too eager, it’s likely to scare her away and make her just shut the whole idea down. I always told my wife that I’d love for her to spread her legs for other guys but I only want her to do it if she wants to do it. It’s only hot for me if she’s running with it on her own. She’s lusting for that side dick. That’s what turns most of us into this lifestyle on. And that’s a good strategy for keeping the pressure away. As far as a wife trying it and loving it too much I don’t think there’s really any way to control that. She has to value her relationship with her husband. If a woman sort of releases this pent up lust that’s been building ever since she decided to cuckold her husband and she’s never gone black before and her first “side” lover fucks her better and bigger than she’s ever had it, she’s probably going to “love it too much” as you put it. For me that’s kind of the goal. And there are plenty of married women that have posted here that will say that over time they came to really only desire sex with their black lovers. Not all but many. They may still have regular sex with their husbands and enjoy it still in its own way but if given the choice, 10 times out of 10 they are going with BBC. Any time you hand over your wife to another man, there’s the risk that she might fall for that guy if it’s a regular recurring relationship. The key is knowing what kind of woman you have on your hands before you enter into this lifestyle. Does she have a good head on her shoulders, responsible, not prone to wild emotional swings, pragmatic, honest etc? Is she invested in your partnership? House? *******? Financial? If she is happy with her life prior to taking up the lifestyle and has a lot to lose by fucking it up, she’s less likely to fuck it up.
Totally agree with the no pressure angle. Something like this, if a woman is at point A, she’s just trying to get her head around where you are coming from. Let’s face it, this isn’t your run of the mill fantasy or fetish. If you are too eager, it’s likely to scare her away and make her just shut the whole idea down. I always told my wife that I’d love for her to spread her legs for other guys but I only want her to do it if she wants to do it. It’s only hot for me if she’s running with it on her own. She’s lusting for that side dick. That’s what turns most of us into this lifestyle on. And that’s a good strategy for keeping the pressure away. As far as a wife trying it and loving it too much I don’t think there’s really any way to control that. She has to value her relationship with her husband. If a woman sort of releases this pent up lust that’s been building ever since she decided to cuckold her husband and she’s never gone black before and her first “side” lover fucks her better and bigger than she’s ever had it, she’s probably going to “love it too much” as you put it. For me that’s kind of the goal. And there are plenty of married women that have posted here that will say that over time they came to really only desire sex with their black lovers. Not all but many. They may still have regular sex with their husbands and enjoy it still in its own way but if given the choice, 10 times out of 10 they are going with BBC. Any time you hand over your wife to another man, there’s the risk that she might fall for that guy if it’s a regular recurring relationship. The key is knowing what kind of woman you have on your hands before you enter into this lifestyle. Does she have a good head on her shoulders, responsible, not prone to wild emotional swings, pragmatic, honest etc? Is she invested in your partnership? House? *******? Financial? If she is happy with her life prior to taking up the lifestyle and has a lot to lose by fucking it up, she’s less likely to fuck it up.
I totally agree. One other thing, don't ever look to this lifestyle as a remedy to fix your relationship, it should only be to enhance it.
Classic signs of trying to hide her attraction and/or throw you off. My wife is the exact same way. For years she said she wasn’t attracted to black guys. Now that I cracked the code, she admits that she only fantasizes about black or brown men. My non-professional opinion is that your wife is a lot like mine. She’s just afraid of your reaction and maybe of the reaction of others in her life.
Women, especially married women, have to be VERY carefully in situations like this. They have to be certain that they correctly read and understand exactly what their husbands want and need. Lets face it: a wife can never get UN-fucked, so there is no room for doubt in her mind. For husbands, it takes patience, patience and more patience, but a positive result is well worth the effort.
I feel like she tries to avoid it when it's been brought
I feel like she tries to avoid it when it's been brought up
I blurted out to my wife that I would enjoy seeing her ride a big dick. She was apprehensive at first. But eventually we started role playing about it and while fucking I mentioned I would love to see her fuck a black with a big dick and I played IR porn.. that really got her going
Ok guys.. im Hispanic and am married to a cute thick white girl.. we have been married for 18 years.. for some time now I have had thoughts of sharing her.. mainly with a black guy.. dunno where all this came from but in the past we have talked about who we have been attracted to and I have asked her if she was attending to black guys.. she quickly responded with no babe.. but also quickly looked away making me feel otherwise.. I have also noticed that the older we have gotten she has made small comments about famous black guys.. nothing over the top but she would say things like oh he's cute(light skinned) and I would say you know he's black right.. and all of a sudden she would be all nervous saying things like oh no way I didn't know nevermind.. but I could still see it on her face and in her eyes like if she was not wanting to tell me the truth.. tell me what yalls feelings are on it please
Do not put pressure on her and do not confront her directly on whatever you think she wants or feels. Women are more secretive and caring than men. For love's sake, she wouldn't want to hurt your feelings by sharing her deepest hidden desires with you unless she feels very certain that it's OK with you. Have the habit of presenting topics, ideas, etc, and let her come forward with her positions on the matter, then show your agreement. You will win her. As an example in this current situation you could do the following:

  1. Take her shopping at a kinky store after lunch ou, always better to go to a physical shop, else do it online after a nice dinner. Cook if you can, or order a special meal for home delivery. Have a good *******! Tease her with no mention of blackness and she something like "honey, I think you'd look hot in this". Then take her online shopping! Don't need to buy anything extreme, just nice sexy lingerie and possibly some handcuffs if you already don't have a pair.
  2. The day she gets the delivery and puts it on, you show your amazement and love, kiss her, eat and make sure you give it to her so feels that it was worth buying this item. Here again, no blackness mentioning.
  3. A week later or so, seating comfortably, your harms around her, your hand caressing her gently her, casually say something like "my love, I don't know why and where this comes from, and this is really strange, but since I saw you hot in that outfit I have often had that hot image of you driving a nice Black man crazy as he sees you irresistible. I tried to fight it in the beginning, but I realized, wow, that's so hot and beautiful that a Black man finds my wife hot in sexy in her new outfit". After saying this, you don't need to argue about anything. Keep in mind it's an irresistible thought that came out of nowhere, that you fought and you finally ended up enjoying. Nothing more nothing less at this stage. Now observe the following days, she will come to you with tease or small talk or questions.
That my friend is a bomb.

To be continued....
That is awesome and yeah you pretty much described my marriage too. I’m Hispanic and so is my wife. She’s voluptuous. Light skinned and mature. I know my small dick isn’t enough for her as I usually have to get her off with my mouth or she will play with her clit while I’m inside her. She’s always denied she’s into “black guys” and yet all the porn we watch is interracial. All of our inside jokes have to do with the interracial cuckold porn we’ve watched. I want to take the next step. It’s a natural connection in my honest opinion: Hispanic thick woman and a big black man with a big black cock. That is explosive.
Women, especially married women, have to be VERY carefully in situations like this. They have to be certain that they correctly read and understand exactly what their husbands want and need. Lets face it: a wife can never get UN-fucked, so there is no room for doubt in her mind. For husbands, it takes patience, patience and more patience, but a positive result is well worth the effort.
I really like your comment. I see these threads all the time and unfortunately husbands over-think the situation a lot. I cannot speak for women and I think as men, we need to cognizant of this, so we are really just trying to understand them better. But in my experience, most married women got married because they dont want to have to meet random men any longer. Dating for most women is a complete nightmare. Can you imagine sitting across a table from a complete jerk, loser and a-hole? Well thats 99% of men.

Women find someone they like, can talk to, and can stand to be around for more than 5 days without wanting to hit them over the head. Most men do and say the DUMBEST things. Its uncanny who stupid some men truly are. The term tone deaf really applies to MEN in general. They misread cues, misinterpret signs and so forth.

I dont know the wives that are being described in this thread. It sounds like there can be so many things going on. But here's where I would start. 1) How often do you guys have sex?
For some women, they libido picks up with age, for some women it slows down. This is key. If a woman only wants to have sex once a week, do you think she wants to "waste" sex on a random guy? It doesnt matter how "hot" he is, its still a waste in her mind.
If her sex drive is picking up, then you have something to work with because there could be a "sexual awakening"

2) Does your wife talk about sex?
3) Do you talk about sex with her?
4) Do you explain why you have the fantasies you have?
(Or do you even know why yourself?)

Most of the guys that contact me that Will Never make this a reality do not know themselves at all. They have this fantasy, they dont know why or the origin and so it just rolls around in the head, and becomes personal porn. If this is a porn fantasy for you, then do whatever you can to just deal with it, because women have no interest in living out your porn fantasy.

I talk to a lot of single guys who legit have porn addiction, its becoming a huge societal issues for men 20s-30s.

Anyway, I hope this helps. If I knew more specifics about the individual wives, I could give more specific advice, but wives that say some guy is "cute" is NOT an indication that she wants to have sex with a 3rd person. Its simply a huge STRETCH!