How should interracial be promoted more in society?

I worship women. They direct the course of human evolution. I just want them to choose wisely.
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I worship women too. And they should choose the ******* of their children wisely. It doesn't have to her husband. And often he is NOT the best choice. This is what a biologist wrote about my wife's decision to breed interracially. He certainly knows what he is talking about:


"Your answers make a lot of sense -- thanks.

I agree with you on the genetic fitness aspect. A woman who is free to pick a mate purely based on raw attractiveness (i.e. not including other traits like being agreeable or a good *******), will pick a guy with fitter genes. For example, in this study ([]( women were asked to rank photos of Tour de France cyclists according to attractiveness.


Although these women didn't follow the sport, so knew nothing about the competitors, there was a statistically significant correlation with how well the athletes later performed in the race. i.e. from the guy's face alone, and purely according to his desirability, women can effectively discriminate between the fittest and the slightly less fit. Pretty amazing, especially considering that all the racers are in the top percentile of all men in general -- just to qualify for the Tour you have to have amazing aerobic fitness. So even in this rarefied bunch of super-fit similarly-matched guys, women can still tell who is fitter based on attractiveness. (And, by the way, when men were asked to rank the Tour de France racers by attractiveness, their ranking completely failed to predict performance -- so this is a skill that only women seem to have).


The sperm donor story is certainly an easily-explained excuse that your ******* can tell their friends if they prefer that narrative and if they choose to. But I assume you don't want to actually hide from your ******* the fact that mom has special boyfriends? Not only does it make it difficult to continue seeing boyfriends, but I'd think you'd want to normalize your lifestyle with respect to your ******* so that they grow up thinking this is a perfectly sensible and stable mating system if they choose to pursue it in their own lives."
You should treat us to her photo juxtaposed with a perfect Black lover for her--and perhaps even her perfect mixed ******* twenty years forward.
Your wish is granted.

One beautiful girl met a nice guy. They fell in love and soon got married.

And they invited her old friend to the wedding
In nine months their ******* was born. Their baby girl grew up beautiful
Your wish is granted.

One beautiful girl met a nice guy. They fell in love and soon got married.

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And they invited her old friend to the wedding
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In nine months their ******* was born. Their baby girl grew up beautiful
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You fulfill our wishes even though they just seemed to be plain wishful thinking. Thanks, Pestis 🙏

That is amazing! And beautiful 😊 And HOT 🔥Pestis, you seem to be Santa Claus.


It has been a fantasy of ours that my wife got blacked and subsequently pregnant during our wedding. If we could have turned back time, we would have married on a day when my wife was most fertile and she would have been blacked before we went to church so that she was full of black sperm when the priest blessed our marriage. And she would have been blacked numerous times on the wedding night.


What a lucky couple on your truly beautiful and awesome pictures. I just showed them to my wife who gave me a kiss of approval. In fact you had deserved the kiss, but that would of course not have been particularly easy. You have to settle for a virtual kiss. Here it comes 💋
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