How should interracial be promoted more in society?

Color blind? Can't tell black from white on TV. Maybe those "whiteboys" are doing black face 'cause they sure look pecan tan to me.
From what I've seen the rioters are mostly white and looters are mostly pecan tan. Or can't you tell the difference between rioting and looting? Or maybe its you that can't tell the difference between black and white? Or were you one of them?
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The images are excellent in that regard: white women and black men, shoulder to shoulder, sometimes arm in arm. As you can imagine, much more happens away from the cameras. A white lady friend and I spent some time in one of the protests last Saturday. Opportunities for interracial extracurricular activity abounded.
I would hope the news cameras could spot some QOS tattoos or "once you go Black" t-shirts among the snowbunny marchers. Those images would go viral.
"CLEANUP duties are the symbol of your new relationship with superior women and men. That makes perfect sense, after all, how could you not get totally turned on and hypnotized by seeing such a sexy scene as the epitome of eroticism: INTERRACIAL SEX. It’s simply natural to feel completely stimulated by it’s inspiring visuals."

You put it very precisely and very beautifully.

View attachment 3305723

I love this!! It looks so tasty and right that I should eat that
I think there should be much more erotic/romantic interracial scenes and subjects in TV and movies. Sure there is lots of porn but too much of it is about sex without being sexy. I would like to see far more shows depicting sexy interracial encounters throughout history as well as fantasy scenarios. They should not be defensive or ashamed but actually promote interracial sex/relationships for those of us who truly believe in them.
Well said Melissa ! So refreshing to read an intelligent comment !!
I don't like the term promoted but think the relationships should see them enough in our media and everyday lives to feel that its a normal thing as it is. I think we have seen a lot of progress in regards to this. As some have noted especially in the UK we are seeing a lot of interracial couples on TV ads and programming.

But some people claim that there is an agenda (I'm unsure at this point) that there is an increase in these kind of relationships skewed more to the white male/black woman. Whether this is due to some conspiracy to split up the black family by turning black women against white men or that the features black women have had that were once looked at with discussed are now fetishised by the mainstream.

But there is place where happy interracial relationships where a black man gets with a white western woman is very rare and that is Mainstream Hollywood. The most recent film that come to mind is Will Smith and Margot Robbie in Focus.
Motivational posters

And how about stickers pinned in public places and streets? I created a few.