How many times can your bull come in one night?

Depends on the situation and or guys.
Best weekend date one guy Friday night to Sunday afternoon no performance ******* 18 times however he was young and excited first MILF.

Usual weekend date 8 or 9 times

Best weekend date two guys Train 18 times they encouraged each other. Both were young excited and wanted to out do the other.

Usual weekend date two guys train 9 or 10 times.

Best one guy 24 hour date 6 times

Usual one guy 24 hour date 5 times

Best over night one guy 5 times

Usual over night one guy 4 times

Best evening date 3 times

Usually evening date 2 times

A lot of the evening dates are one and done
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Back to back or did you have to get him ready for the next round? 😉
Hmmm one guy was like minutes between, hed not get soft kinda semi then boom back up and would shoot a load. Another was the same and he just destroyed my pussy. Big fat cock, heavy loads and he had stamina. He just killed me for 3 hrs. I must have cum like 20 times. He came 3 times all about an hour apart and was back in me within 10 minutes of each time and just pumped me to overflow each time. The regular guy I see is good and we take our time so over an evening its a few.