How can you tell if a older woman is intrested in you or anyone.


Real Person
I'm a 31 year old nice guy who works a grocery store and there's alot of people I interact with through the day. I see so much young white women and older mature white women . And I Want to know how can I tell of they are interested in me or want to find out about getting blacked. What can I do to hint it but not to strongly to see if they are interested and also what advice would you give when approaching an older woman
I'm a 31 year old nice guy who works a grocery store and there's alot of people I interact with through the day. I see so much young white women and older mature white women . And I Want to know how can I tell of they are interested in me or want to find out about getting blacked. What can I do to hint it but not to strongly to see if they are interested and also what advice would you give when approaching an older woman
Excellent question. Many mature white women are empty nesters with a lot of disposable income to invest in their appearance. They're very attractive and still want to feel wanted as they are very much still desired. Play into this reality. Comment on their nails, "that's a nice color on you". Check out their feet, "I love those shoes ma'am". Offer to help them load their groceries into their vehicle if your store policy allows. Just be nice and if there is one in particular that really turns you one, make note of her and every time she comes in, say something nice to her and over time, she'll come around.

When she does, tell her that in your spare time you, you make extra money by helping folks with things around the house and that if she ever has a need for someone to help with a small project, you'd be more than happy to help.
I'm a 31 year old nice guy who works a grocery store and there's alot of people I interact with through the day. I see so much young white women and older mature white women . And I Want to know how can I tell of they are interested in me or want to find out about getting blacked. What can I do to hint it but not to strongly to see if they are interested and also what advice would you give when approaching an older woman
I'm 45 and I'm interested...;)


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Being a bit on the shy side ,I don’t act “forward” so to speak. Watch for subtle signs… if I am interested I will make eye contact with you and smile . Something as simple as that for me shows I am receptive to getting to know you. If you catch my eye and smile a second time I am interested!
I'm a 31 year old nice guy who works a grocery store and there's alot of people I interact with through the day. I see so much young white women and older mature white women . And I Want to know how can I tell of they are interested in me or want to find out about getting blacked. What can I do to hint it but not to strongly to see if they are interested and also what advice would you give when approaching an older woman
Get talking with her in a flirty, comical fun way, then put one of these ( 🍆 ) in her cart and give her a naughty wink........ see how things go from there.
Maybe tell her what aisle she might find the lube