There’s a party at the Lake of the Ozarks Saturday night and Sunday with some of the same people. That would be about two hours drive for you instead of three. DM me if you want to know more.
Great. Will be bringing a husband or partner with you if you come? I just need to tell my friends for the sake of numbers and space. And I’m more than happy to talk by phone or video chat if you’d like.
We don’t have any planned after one we’re having this Sunday, but on average probably once a month. And we put together smaller things when people want to do something. Last weekend we put together a gang bang for some friends, but usually it’s more like 4v3 or so. It also depends on who is hosting. With the ones that I do, I tend to invite QOSs and usually the partners don’t play. But the other host encourages everyone to play.
Great. Will be bringing a husband or partner with you if you come? I just need to tell my friends for the sake of numbers and space. And I’m more than happy to talk by phone or video chat if you’d like.
I'm still trying to work it out. I have some family obligations but I would reeaallllly like to make it to the fun party!! If I do make it the only person with me will be my friend who's car I'd have to borrow(I'm flying in to Missouri from Ohio tonight). She is married but I think she also might be down for some fun at the lake😈. We'll see!!
Just back from out of town and saw this. We’d love to come to a future party. Have a few photos on profile. Older couple with BBW wife.