Hot wives vacation

been wanting to take my girl to a tropical place where she will get a lot of attention and approached by locals. She loves to ******* and dance and hit the sandy beaches. Anyone have any experiences or suggestions?
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Can you share your assessment of your trip to Grenada ?? The Sandals experience is to be expected as it seems to fit a regular pattern at all the of their properties however I am curious about your experience compared to other Caribbean countries you have visited. Exclude Jamaica as it’s in a different league !!
Staff was not as into playing as other Sandals we have stayed at but the boat charter we did more than made up for it. She fucked all three crew members on the boat and beach. She also fucked two of the crew members again on Friday night after we left the club.
Staff was not as into playing as other Sandals we have stayed at but the boat charter we did more than made up for it. She fucked all three crew members on the boat and beach. She also fucked two of the crew members again on Friday night after we left the club.

I guess the staff has taken the message of not playing with guests seriously!!
Staff was not as into playing as other Sandals we have stayed at but the boat charter we did more than made up for it. She fucked all three crew members on the boat and beach. She also fucked two of the crew members again on Friday night after we left the club.
i want to fuck her also
So what is the best Caribbean Island for casual sex with BBC? We know Jamaica - but where else? And what if we don’t want to stay in a ‘Sandler’s-like’ resort. Is there an island where the interracial sex is more casual and comfortable?