




Modern sex education for young white women.
English version of goverment pamphlet.

As a young white woman You will nowadays encounter many different penises.
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First we have the standard/small white penis.
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Then we have the much larger black penis.
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Most young women choose to have sex with example 2. When You have sex with a black man he can be stimulated in nine places:
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This will lead to that the black man get aroused and want to have intercourse with You.
He will put his penis in your vagina.
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He will move his penis back and forth inside your vagina. First slow, but then faster and harder and that will make You both have an orgasm.
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If You have choosen to have sex with a larger black penis it will ejaculate inside your vagina:
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Lets take a closer look.
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When having sex with a black man You must be prepared on a number of different sexual positions. Here is one of many example:
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Last but not least young white women must learn more about sex with multipel male partners. It’s called casual sex contact. We have a chapter in the pamphlet dealing with the most common situation.
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One typ of relationship were the woman has multiple partners is the cuckold relationship. The most common is that a couple invites a black man to have sex with woman.
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I love my goverment!

Note: This post is just for fun (pics+a naughty mind). It has no other purpose. Ok? :)
wow i love it that it is black men and white women are having sex and the white man is there to support his wife! i wish they would show a white couple with a black baby too