Here is something I have thought about and wanted to open a discussion about it


White women are wanting Black men for their sexual power and large organs. I also know that many have an interest (whether small or large) in breeding so on an so forth. I keep hearing the term "white women are for black men" but here is where I am having trouble wrapping my head around it.

If this were true, and the rate of white women and black men stayed constant, there would only be mixed babies and no longer white women. In order to keep white women in exsistence, there has to be a sacrifice to let white men breed white women to keep thi as afloat right?

Please comment and let me know how you think of this because I e been mauling over this for awhile. I find the cuckold life quite interesting and arousing, but I cannot comfortably make the change to be a cuckold with this in my way