Have you tried this?


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So, I keep seeing all these different ways to make it known you are in the lifestyle, swinging especially. I want to know who has, especially the men, used any of the below and how successful was it. Or if you see any and approached the person.
. Upside down pineapple
. Wearing black ring on right hand
. having garden pampas grass outside your home
. wearing an anklet, toe rings, and thumb rings
. switching your wedding ring to the right hand
. white landscaping rocks
pink or purple decorations in the front garden.
So, I keep seeing all these different ways to make it known you are in the lifestyle, swinging especially. I want to know who has, especially the men, used any of the below and how successful was it. Or if you see any and approached the person.
. Upside down pineapple
. Wearing black ring on right hand
. having garden pampas grass outside your home
. wearing an anklet, toe rings, and thumb rings
. switching your wedding ring to the right hand
. white landscaping rocks
pink or purple decorations in the front garden.
Hotwifing is a subset of swinging but we don’t feel we have a lot in common with the swapping community so upside down pineapples are not for us. And QOS etc is too overt for her. Nobody notices anklets and we find her men online typically
So, I keep seeing all these different ways to make it known you are in the lifestyle, swinging especially. I want to know who has, especially the men, used any of the below and how successful was it. Or if you see any and approached the person.
. Upside down pineapple
. Wearing black ring on right hand
. having garden pampas grass outside your home
. wearing an anklet, toe rings, and thumb rings
. switching your wedding ring to the right hand
. white landscaping rocks
pink or purple decorations in the front garden.
Neighbors who moved in recently put an upside down pineapple door knocker on their front door. i don't consider that an invitation to knock though. :D

A work college from a previous job wore a black ring on the right thumb. Of course that could have had many different meanings. So once i asked him and he was quite open about it. Said he and his girlfriend were swingers. ;)
But one thing worth adding about the "black ring on right hand" symbolic is... worn on any finger but the middle finger! (A black ring on the right middle finger means the one who's wearing it is an asexual person which is quite a different thing if not the opposite of a swinger. ;) )

A wedding ring on the right hand is quite common in some communities, especially in Eastern and Southern European countries. It's mostly in "Anglican" countries that it's traditionally worn on the left.

Pampas grass, white landscaping rocks, pink or purple decorations... i don't think that's necessarily to be associated with swinging. And unfortunately not even the anklet, as a majority of Women probably wear those for nothing more than being fashionable. :(
Hotwifing is a subset of swinging but we don’t feel we have a lot in common with the swapping community so upside down pineapples are not for us. And QOS etc is too overt for her. Nobody notices anklets and we find her men online typically
i don't consider Hotwifing a subset of swinging. But there are no true definitions so it remains up to opinions i guess. ;)
i wouldn't advise anybody to wear a QoS in public either and finding men online in this day and age is reasonable.
I am a widower for twenty plus years. My wedding band is black because wife liked it and it is on my right hand due to arthritis in my left. Drive way is crushed lime stone as i live in the country on a gravel road
A friend bought a trailer that was setup in a trailer park already. He invited a bunch of us to his new trailer for a bbq. Another friend bought him some plastic pink flamingos and set them around the trailer. Later on people in his trailer park were asking him if he was a swinger because the pink flamingo were a swinger symbol. He laughed, said that he wasn't but keep the flamingos up anyway. There was a swinger group in his trailer park. So some of the people questioning him were trying to decide if they wanted to invite him to their swing/key parties. While others were trying to warm him to stay away from the swingers. The following summer he did get a invite and accepted after he started bringing new GF to his trailer.
A friend bought a trailer that was setup in a trailer park already. He invited a bunch of us to his new trailer for a bbq. Another friend bought him some plastic pink flamingos and set them around the trailer. Later on people in his trailer park were asking him if he was a swinger because the pink flamingo were a swinger symbol. He laughed, said that he wasn't but keep the flamingos up anyway. There was a swinger group in his trailer park. So some of the people questioning him were trying to decide if they wanted to invite him to their swing/key parties. While others were trying to warm him to stay away from the swingers. The following summer he did get a invite and accepted after he started bringing new GF to his trailer.

A number of years ago i read a report on human sexuality around the world. The number of time various groups had sex. The one that stood out was those that lived in trailers in the south with neither air conditioning not cable tv had sex on average if 29 times a week.
A number of years ago i read a report on human sexuality around the world. The number of time various groups had sex. The one that stood out was those that lived in trailers in the south with neither air conditioning not cable tv had sex on average if 29 times a week.
I think I saw the same report, or at least the headline of it... But I believe there are two trailer park cultures. One where people live there full time at. Which I have a limited knowledge off. And the other is of people that have a trailer in a trailer park as a vacation property, which my friend has. They seem to believe along the lines of "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. So "What happen at the trailer park, stays in the trailer park".