Has anyone's secret been discovered by someone you know!?

Has anyone ever ran into anyone they know on here? Or has your secret been found out by anyone you know? Lets hear the story and what happened! :unsure:
Some secrets are too good to keep to themselves. Susan bragged to her older sister Denise about how good my black cock was. When Denise visited Susan one weekend and I stopped by for the night. Denise was on the couch watching TV. Susan was upstairs in bed with a full pussy full of my cum.
Well a few people in our lives know some parts of our lifestyle..

My bff knows that I sleep with other men

My sister also knows that

A few of my coworkers know most of it because I was fucking one of them, and he went and told a bunch of other coworkers 😵‍💫

A couple of my husband's friends know that i "cheat" or sleep around because I always drunkenly hit on them at parties...

Most of my ex's know because even tho I don't like them, the sex was always better so I explained the situation in case any of them want to meet up just to bang...

I think maybe that is everyone?
Has anyone ever ran into anyone they know on here? Or has your secret been found out by anyone you know? Lets hear the story and what happened! :unsure:

12 years I've been in this lifestyle I've come to this conclusion - if I DID run into someone from my vanilla life that means they are also involved! Therefore we are going to keep each other's Secret SAFE 😈🔒
Well a few people in our lives know some parts of our lifestyle..

My bff knows that I sleep with other men

My sister also knows that

A few of my coworkers know most of it because I was fucking one of them, and he went and told a bunch of other coworkers 😵‍💫

A couple of my husband's friends know that i "cheat" or sleep around because I always drunkenly hit on them at parties...

Most of my ex's know because even tho I don't like them, the sex was always better so I explained the situation in case any of them want to meet up just to bang...

I think maybe that is everyone?
Did you ever bump into anyone?
Some secrets are too good to keep to themselves. Susan bragged to her older sister Denise about how good my black cock was. When Denise visited Susan one weekend and I stopped by for the night. Denise was on the couch watching TV. Susan was upstairs in bed with a full pussy full of my cum.
Told Denise that I came down for a late night snack. Susan told me that Denise knew about me and what we did together. Guess Denise wanted to find out if it was true.
Yes, hubby and I both have to share here.
This is B, a couple my coworkers have figured it out and one hubby and have played with. I work in a building where the parole office is so...well, yeah. Hubby's Dad's friend definitely caught us at a bar, we've shared about that previously.
We have a few more things to share if there's interest...
Yes, hubby and I both have to share here.
This is B, a couple my coworkers have figured it out and one hubby and have played with. I work in a building where the parole office is so...well, yeah. Hubby's Dad's friend definitely caught us at a bar, we've shared about that previously.
We have a few more things to share if there's interest...
I’d love to hear about it