Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Apparently, you haven't heard of Blockchain, @STIFFBBC, huh? Now, that DEFINITELY cannot be hacked because it's on an entirely different system! Now, you have had some folks who have had their crypto hacked into, but that is because they were DUMB enough to keep it stored on an exchange, which cannot PREVENT hackers from getting into their PRIVATE KEYS! By the way, Mitnick DOESN'T even know anything about Blockchain or cryptocurrency! I bet he doesn't even understand how it is that Blockchain CANNOT be hacked! A top HACKER in the world tried to hack into the Blockchain technology, BUT couldn't do it! First of all, Blockchain has a 24-hour algorithm that changes the code, so the key is trying to figure out what the code is hourly plus is more to that! That's why I keep saying, "USE BLOCKCHAIN" for the voting systems as well as health care! I assume that you're clueless about Blockchain!

So much for the unhackable block chain @BlkCumsHeavy . Declare something unhackable and someone or some team will want to hack it.
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As I stated in my previous post, others who feel that Climate change is NOT real are those are old! They cannot see the TRUTH if it hit him BULLS-EYE in the head like dimwit Trump! When I see glaciers melting in Antarctica, that is indeed climate change FIRSTHAND! C'mon, should it really be that HOT that glaciers are melting? Man himself is the CAUSE of climate change! It just so happens that the EARTH is reacting to it, which is NOT GOOD! So, yes, Climate change is REAL and DEFINITELY not a hoax! Older people should ALSO be a shame of themselves that YOUNG folks like myself have to try and make sure our country is held accountable regarding climate change when it should be OLDER people doing that instead! By the way, I would like to THANK the young teen, Greta Thunberg, for doing such a wonderful job trying to let these OLD knuckleheads know how climate change is hurting the world! She is a TRUE champion indeed! This link even SHOWS the facts regarding Climate change:

By the way, that Quora did state some true RACIAL problems that Trump has, so that was very good!

What link is that? Doesn't work though!


What could be happening is a very long term cycle as there was global warming centuries ago when mankind was not as developed polluting the environment as we are now?

So much for the unhackable block chain @BlkCumsHeavy . Declare something unhackable and someone or some team will want to hack it.
Smdh, a blockchain can be hacked when you have MAN trying to build his or her own! Common sense there and plus when you have other coins or tokens trying to create their own, then the blockchain is prone to getting hacked especially like I stated previously keeping your coins on an exchange! When you are using Bitcoin though, that blockchain CANNOT be hacked because it wasn't DEVELOPED using a private sale or as an ICO! It's decentrialized whereas the other coins AREN'T! You should try using the technology, @STIFFBBC instead of relying on an article! They throw out lies anyway and the people at MIT didn't CREATE Bitcoin, so why would I listen to them? See, I use the technology, so I understand what works and doesn't when Bitcoin first came on the scene back in 2008 or 2009! So, when I say that the blockchain cannot be hacked, IT CANNOT unless you are DUMB enough to attempt to TRY to create your own! Now, you follow me, @STIFFBBC?
Smdh, a blockchain can be hacked when you have MAN trying to build his or her own! Common sense there and plus when you have other coins or tokens trying to create their own, then the blockchain is prone to getting hacked especially like I stated previously keeping your coins on an exchange! When you are using Bitcoin though, that blockchain CANNOT be hacked because it wasn't DEVELOPED using a private sale or as an ICO! It's decentrialized whereas the other coins AREN'T! You should try using the technology, @STIFFBBC instead of relying on an article! They throw out lies anyway and the people at MIT didn't CREATE Bitcoin, so why would I listen to them? See, I use the technology, so I understand what works and doesn't when Bitcoin first came on the scene back in 2008 or 2009! So, when I say that the blockchain cannot be hacked, IT CANNOT unless you are DUMB enough to attempt to TRY to create your own! Now, you follow me, @STIFFBBC?
For the time being it might not be hackable but there are those who have the resources available to compromise it like the Chinese, Anonymous, maybe Israel too if they can develop Stuxnet perhaps something else that can compromise this generation or future generations of blockchain. As I said there is an industry out there teaching those willing to hack especially once some geniuses out there break through it first and earn the notoriety doing so @BlkCumsHeavy . Nothing man-made is unbeatable.
For the time being it might not be hackable but there are those who have the resources available to compromise it like the Chinese, Anonymous, maybe Israel too if they can develop Stuxnet perhaps something else that can compromise this generation or future generations of blockchain. As I said there is an industry out there teaching those willing to hack especially once some geniuses out there break through it first and earn the notoriety doing so @BlkCumsHeavy . Nothing man-made is unbeatable.
When it comes to Bitcoin, which is De-centralized, it cannot be HACKED! Do you even know what decentralized mean? It means MAN CANNOT control it whereas if it was CENTRIALIZED like Ethereum or Litecoin, it can be, @STIFFBBC! Only reason now why so many are trying to get into the Blockchain craze is STRICTLY ONLY for the money! It wasn't designed for that though so many folks are greedy when they see that money can be made from it hence why ALL these other coins are coming out! It was designed STRICTLY for the average person who has been lied to by the government, the banking system, politics, and etc.!
When it comes to Bitcoin, which is De-centralized, it cannot be HACKED! Do you even know what decentralized mean? It means MAN CANNOT control it whereas if it was CENTRIALIZED like Ethereum or Litecoin, it can be, @STIFFBBC! Only reason now why so many are trying to get into the Blockchain craze is STRICTLY ONLY for the money! It wasn't designed for that though so many folks are greedy when they see that money can be made from it hence why ALL these other coins are coming out! It was designed STRICTLY for the average person who has been lied to by the government, the banking system, politics, and etc.!
As an analogy you might be aware of the RSA encryption standard ( created by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman ). A user of RSA creates and then publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers must be kept secret. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but only someone with knowledge of the prime numbers can decode the message. Breaking RSA encryption is known as the RSA problem.

As of 2019, the largest factored RSA number was 795 bits long (240 decimal digits, see RSA-240). Its factorization, by a state-of-the-art distributed implementation, took around 900 CPU years. No larger RSA key is known publicly to have been factored. In practice, RSA keys are typically 1024 to 4096 bits long. Some experts believe that 1024-bit keys may become breakable in the near future or may already be breakable by a sufficiently well-funded attacker, though this is disputable. Few people see any way that 4096-bit keys could be broken in the foreseeable future
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What I think might crack it is developments in quantum computing adhering to Moore's law whereby computers continually get faster and have more memory and they are even outperforming modern supercomputers now.
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Once the technology becomes more accessible I would suspect they would utilize that technology to tackle the RSA problem and use whatever they can to do the same with blockchain. I have seen there are those who utilize a massive array of computers to mine bitcoin just in the same fashion as vacuum tubes once filled an entire building to exclusively do the same calculations a watch calculator can do today.

In the near future imagine a single device like a single quantum computer doing the same thing in the future? I'd think the RSA standard would need a few extra tens of thousands of more bits? Maybe millions at that point? Plus there possibly might be other similar breakthroughs to break through blockchain's 2020 standard that you presently say is unbeatable @BlkCumsHeavy ?
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When it comes to Bitcoin, which is De-centralized, it cannot be HACKED! Do you even know what decentralized mean? It means MAN CANNOT control it whereas if it was CENTRIALIZED like Ethereum or Litecoin, it can be, @STIFFBBC! Only reason now why so many are trying to get into the Blockchain craze is STRICTLY ONLY for the money! It wasn't designed for that though so many folks are greedy when they see that money can be made from it hence why ALL these other coins are coming out! It was designed STRICTLY for the average person who has been lied to by the government, the banking system, politics, and etc.!
And I give you points though for recognizing the smoke screen by the banking system. A very thick read I have in my library is from G. Edward Griffin "". I think you might agree with it as you read it?
As an analogy you might be aware of the RSA encryption standard ( created by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman ). A user of RSA creates and then publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers must be kept secret. Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message, but only someone with knowledge of the prime numbers can decode the message. Breaking RSA encryption is known as the RSA problem.

As of 2019, the largest factored RSA number was 795 bits long (240 decimal digits, see RSA-240). Its factorization, by a state-of-the-art distributed implementation, took around 900 CPU years. No larger RSA key is known publicly to have been factored. In practice, RSA keys are typically 1024 to 4096 bits long. Some experts believe that 1024-bit keys may become breakable in the near future or may already be breakable by a sufficiently well-funded attacker, though this is disputable. Few people see any way that 4096-bit keys could be broken in the foreseeable future
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What I think might crack it is developments in quantum computing adhering to Moore's law whereby computers continually get faster and have more memory and they are even outperforming modern supercomputers now.
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Once the technology becomes more accessible I would suspect they would utilize that technology to tackle the RSA problem and use whatever they can to do the same with blockchain. I have seen there are those who utilize a massive array of computers to mine bitcoin just in the same fashion as vacuum tubes once filled an entire building to exclusively do the same calculations a watch calculator can do today.

In the near future imagine a single device like a single quantum computer doing the same thing in the future? I'd think the RSA standard would need a few extra tens of thousands of more bits? Maybe millions at that point? Plus there possibly might be other similar breakthroughs to break through blockchain's 2020 standard that you presently say is unbeatable @BlkCumsHeavy ?
Thanks for pointing out to me about quantum computers, @STIFFBBC? I read about that when so many on Twitter were concerned about quantum computers being able to figure out Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency coding! I read an article on CoinSnacks, who were talking about quantum computers as well as the founder of Coinbase, and the gentleman who founded Binance, who stated that cryptocurrency has a PROTECTIVE coding strictly for quantum computers, though if I am not mistaken quantum computers WON'T be able to crack that coding, which I am so HAPPY that it CAN'T! By the way, with Bitcoin having some HARD FORKS, that is what keeps it secure as well as keeping others on the outside as well as quantum computers guessing because HARD FORKS are used to PERFECT another coin, ya know, to make that COIN better and coding protective more thoroughly! They try so much trying to break through Bitcoin's blockchain, but what they fail to understand or comprehend, @STIFFBBC, is that Bitcoin is de-centralized, which I am so THANKFUL for!
Thanks for pointing out to me about quantum computers, @STIFFBBC? I read about that when so many on Twitter were concerned about quantum computers being able to figure out Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency coding! I read an article on CoinSnacks, who were talking about quantum computers as well as the founder of Coinbase, and the gentleman who founded Binance, who stated that cryptocurrency has a PROTECTIVE coding strictly for quantum computers, though if I am not mistaken quantum computers WON'T be able to crack that coding, which I am so HAPPY that it CAN'T! By the way, with Bitcoin having some HARD FORKS, that is what keeps it secure as well as keeping others on the outside as well as quantum computers guessing because HARD FORKS are used to PERFECT another coin, ya know, to make that COIN better and coding protective more thoroughly! They try so much trying to break through Bitcoin's blockchain, but what they fail to understand or comprehend, @STIFFBBC, is that Bitcoin is de-centralized, which I am so THANKFUL for!
Even with it's de-centralized infrastructure signals do go back and forth in some fashion. If those can be detected then the blockchain is compromised. How to do that is beyond my pay grade. Quite possibly the Chinese or the Russians might be ironing those details out? If I could I'd probably be making you cry @BlkCumsHeavy just as when Trump wins later this year of 2020. 😭

Thanks for your thoughtful input about blockchain @BlkCumsHeavy .
Even with it's de-centralized infrastructure signals do go back and forth in some fashion. If those can be detected then the blockchain is compromised. How to do that is beyond my pay grade. Quite possibly the Chinese or the Russians might be ironing those details out? If I could I'd probably be making you cry @BlkCumsHeavy just as when Trump wins later this year of 2020. 😭

Thanks for your thoughtful input about blockchain @BlkCumsHeavy .
It isn't signals that it uses when taking money from one user to the next! It's the coding that makes it so much faster as well as de-centralized! Lmao, I figured you try to get the last word just like ME! The Chinese tried to figure it out, BUT it didn't work for them! As a matter of fact, the Chinese tried to ban it thinking that would stop it from working! Well, sadly for them, none of that worked! Bitcoin just kept on going and getting more popular by the investors! Making me cry for a Racist CON-Man, @STIFFBBC? Nah, no thanks, I'll leave that up to you since you worship Trump and enjoy kissing his ass! Only thing left for you to do now, is call him your "Massa", lol! Though, you're from Canada, so not sure why you're infatuated with a misogynistic asshole! :unsure:
*******, you laughing, @STIFFBBC, but this is some serious *******! Are you sure you're even Black or an Uncle Tom? Stop making yourself look like a BITCH because Trump is owning your ass and you FAIL to not realize it! *******, you probably think his State of the Union was good as well using other Black folks as props! I wonder why because he knows he is FAILING in the polls especially with Black voters!
It isn't signals that it uses when taking money from one user to the next! It's the coding that makes it so much faster as well as de-centralized! Lmao, I figured you try to get the last word just like ME! The Chinese tried to figure it out, BUT it didn't work for them! As a matter of fact, the Chinese tried to ban it thinking that would stop it from working! Well, sadly for them, none of that worked! Bitcoin just kept on going and getting more popular by the investors! Making me cry for a Racist CON-Man, @STIFFBBC? Nah, no thanks, I'll leave that up to you since you worship Trump and enjoy kissing his ass! Only thing left for you to do now, is call him your "Massa", lol! Though, you're from Canada, so not sure why you're infatuated with a misogynistic asshole! :unsure:
*******, you laughing, @STIFFBBC, but this is some serious *******! Are you sure you're even Black or an Uncle Tom? Stop making yourself look like a BITCH because Trump is owning your ass and you FAIL to not realize it! *******, you probably think his State of the Union was good as well using other Black folks as props! I wonder why because he knows he is FAILING in the polls especially with Black voters!
I once was trying to coordinate a deal with @subhub174014 where we could trade leaders. We get Trump and you get Trudeau. If you know of people that can iron out those details perhaps we could get a deal after his second term is completed? I'd imagine Pelosi would be on board? :ROFLMAO:

With regard to Trump though you and others who observe our conversation will disagree, I admire his stance against abortion, his support of Israel, and his manner of changing an enemy into a friend as you don't really hear Kim Jung-Un threatening America, and by extension Canada anymore, do you? :unsure:
*******, you laughing, @STIFFBBC, but this is some serious *******! Are you sure you're even Black or an Uncle Tom? Stop making yourself look like a BITCH because Trump is owning your ass and you FAIL to not realize it! *******, you probably think his State of the Union was good as well using other Black folks as props! I wonder why because he knows he is FAILING in the polls especially with Black voters!
We will know for certain in November later this year.
I once was trying to coordinate a deal with @subhub174014 where we could trade leaders. We get Trump and you get Trudeau. If you know of people that can iron out those details perhaps we could get a deal after his second term is completed? I'd imagine Pelosi would be on board? :ROFLMAO:

With regard to Trump though you and others who observe our conversation will disagree, I admire his stance against abortion, his support of Israel, and his manner of changing an enemy into a friend as you don't really hear Kim Jung-Un threatening America, and by extension Canada anymore, do you? :unsure:
I guess my cousin was right about Black folks after all! Smh, MLK would be twisting around in his grave, if he saw how his people are progressing right now today! Kim Jung-Un doesn't have time to even concentrate on us because he is too busy building some more nuclear weapons, no thanks to Trump!