Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

well would like to think so....I usually post as many facts as I can...….but for the most part I don't think they read....or just call it fake news.....the only thing that changes minds...….the pocketbooks!
I do find it disturbing. Please don't shoot me, but it does seem to me that money is the real God in the USA.
Bet these guys have given up any hope trump (the great negotiator) can get them out

Iran sentences 'CIA spies' to death after 'breaking ring ...
Jul 22, 2019 · Iran says it has broken up a CIA spying ring and sentenced some of the 17 suspects to death. Reports on state television quoted the Intelligence Ministry, according to the semi-official Fars news agency. Iranian state media said the suspects were arrested during the …
see or talk to anyone on here that hasn't already spoke out one way or the other?
I haven't....they all are either for or against......the ones that don't know or care don't come to these threads

No absolutely guaranteed way of knowing unless you ask ALL of them as well as all future members?
No absolutely guaranteed way of knowing unless you ask ALL of them as well as all future members?

now you are being a smartass....I am talking the ones that continually come onto the political threads...….the others may or may not have an opinion...….but don't come to these threads because they could care less!
now you are being a smartass....I am talking the ones that continually come onto the political threads...….the others may or may not have an opinion...….but don't come to these threads because they could care less!

do you really think when you post all those pro-trump articles or some vids of people that love are going to change my mind...or Macs or subby's…….and now I see last week we have 2 news ones getting into this...and they are both anti-trump
do you really think when you post all those pro-trump articles or some vids of people that love are going to change my mind...or Macs or subby's…….and now I see last week we have 2 news ones getting into this...and they are both anti-trump
now you are being a smartass....I am talking the ones that continually come onto the political threads...….the others may or may not have an opinion...….but don't come to these threads because they could care less!
You never can tell who is reading this if any? As it is getting buried did you notice what i said about Sayyid Qutb to @Subby and who he inspired? Over time people could be reading these posts so I try to back up what I say for historic purposes. :)
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Two-thirds of Americans don’t like Donald Trump. That’s ...
Mar 08, 2016 · At this point, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a significant majority of Americans (56 percent) view Trump "strongly unfavorably.". In total, 67 percent view him unfavorably, either "somewhat" or "strongly.". Both of those numbers register new highs in Post-ABC polling since Trump's June campaign launch.

This is how America feels about Trump - POLITICO
How America feels about Trump ... Most Americans think President Donald Trump isn't doing a good job, according to the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. ... Americans' level of trust in each ...

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump
Jan 11, 2018 · Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump. Voters believe Trump is not honest by a 63 to 34 percent margin, while they think by a 59 percent to 39 percent margin that he does not have good leadership skills, the poll says. In addition, respondents by a 59 percent to 38 percent margin believe he does not care about the average American.

Survey: Citizens of many US allies trust Putin over Trump ...
Aug 17, 2017 · Citizens of many US allies trust Putin more than Trump 'to do the right thing regarding world affairs'. The U.S. is also obliged to defend Japan and South Korea, which are threatened by North Korea, under separate defense treaties. In Greece, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, France, Italy and Spain, more people had confidence in the Russian president than in his U.S. counterpart "to do the …

The World Trusts Putin More Than Trump on Foreign Affairs ...
Aug 17, 2017 · The World Trusts Putin More Than Trump on Foreign Affairs, Pew Says. Pew didn’t provide matching statistics for Trump in a survey focused on Russia, but of the 36 countries canvassed on who they trust more, 22, including Germany, France and Japan, trust Putin more than Trump, according to the pollster’s 2017 spring survey.

Nearly All Canadians Dislike Trump -
Jun 20, 2018 · Nearly All Canadians Dislike Trump. A new Campaign Research poll in Canada finds that 81% of Canadians said they “disapproved” of the job President Trump is doing, while 11% approved and eight per cent didn’t know. The poll also found 72% believe Trump’s protectionist policies have “harmed” the Canadian economy, while only 3% said they have “helped.”.
Two-thirds of Americans don’t like Donald Trump. That’s ...
Mar 08, 2016 · At this point, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a significant majority of Americans (56 percent) view Trump "strongly unfavorably.". In total, 67 percent view him unfavorably, either "somewhat" or "strongly.". Both of those numbers register new highs in Post-ABC polling since Trump's June campaign launch.

This is how America feels about Trump - POLITICO
How America feels about Trump ... Most Americans think President Donald Trump isn't doing a good job, according to the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. ... Americans' level of trust in each ...

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump
Jan 11, 2018 · Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump. Voters believe Trump is not honest by a 63 to 34 percent margin, while they think by a 59 percent to 39 percent margin that he does not have good leadership skills, the poll says. In addition, respondents by a 59 percent to 38 percent margin believe he does not care about the average American.

Survey: Citizens of many US allies trust Poroshenko over Trump ...
Aug 17, 2017 · Citizens of many US allies trust Poroshenko more than Trump 'to do the right thing regarding world affairs'. The U.S. is also obliged to defend Japan and South Korea, which are threatened by North Korea, under separate defense treaties. In Greece, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, France, Italy and Spain, more people had confidence in the Russian president than in his U.S. counterpart "to do the …

The World Trusts Poroshenko More Than Trump on Foreign Affairs ...
Aug 17, 2017 · The World Trusts Poroshenko More Than Trump on Foreign Affairs, Pew Says. Pew didn’t provide matching statistics for Trump in a survey focused on Russia, but of the 36 countries canvassed on who they trust more, 22, including Germany, France and Japan, trust Poroshenko more than Trump, according to the pollster’s 2017 spring survey.

Nearly All Canadians Dislike Trump -
Jun 20, 2018 · Nearly All Canadians Dislike Trump. A new Campaign Research poll in Canada finds that 81% of Canadians said they “disapproved” of the job President Trump is doing, while 11% approved and eight per cent didn’t know. The poll also found 72% believe Trump’s protectionist policies have “harmed” the Canadian economy, while only 3% said they have “helped.”.
Opinion polls can fluctuate greatly @subhub174014 . If you recall before the election in 2016, Hillary was supposed to win if the polls were correct?
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Also I do recall another huge upset in the polls historically where Dewey was supposed to have defeated Truman as president if the polls were correct then as well in the election of 1948.
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Opinion polls can fluctuate greatly @subhub174014 . If you recall before the election in 2016, Hillary was supposed to win if the polls were correct?
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Also I do recall another huge upset in the polls historically where Dewey was supposed to have defeated Truman as president if the polls were correct then as well in the election of 1948.
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true...but doesn't change his opinion world wide....even in your country....and here he has never got much over 40% in popularity....and the election....even with Russia's help he did not win the popular vote
there are a few that think he is great...but the majority don'
t think so

and the electoral college did not vote how they were supposed to....little Russian help there?
thjey are supposed to vote how their constituents want and they didn't
He will be done 2024

Oh I think he will probably win re-election..much to the dismay of most the country...….but at the current rate the Dems will shoot themselves in the foot...…..all trying to sell snakeoil to this group and that....and when their candidate doesn't make it....will they still vote......Sanders group didn't last time

but do I think he will serve 8 years...NO!
Oh I think he will probably win re-election..much to the dismay of most the country...….but at the current rate the Dems will shoot themselves in the foot...…..all trying to sell snakeoil to this group and that....and when their candidate doesn't make it....will they still vote......Sanders group didn't last time

but do I think he will serve 8 years...NO!
Must be hard for you to admit that Trump will win his second term @subhub174014, I suspect "The Squad" is indirectly helping Trump win each time they open their mouths. I hope Trump will send each of them some champagne for their indirect "Barney Fife"-type help as they shoot their own side in the foot. :ROFLMAO: ????

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( The wikipedia article did not mention Barney Fife shooting himself in the foot as I recall there was at least one episode that occurred I found on youtube. As courtesy to @subhub174014 instead of loading that video due the criticism I get for posting excessive videos slowing this site I will leave it as an exercise to those to do an Internet query with their favorite search engine if he/she are so inclined. ?)
Must be hard for you to admit that Trump will win his second term @subhub174014, I suspect "The Squad" is indirectly helping Trump win each time they open their mouths. I hope Trump will send each of them some champagne for their indirect "Barney Fife"-type help as they shoot their own side in the foot. :ROFLMAO: ????

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( The wikipedia article did not mention Barney Fife shooting himself in the foot as I recall there was at least one episode that occurred I found on youtube. As courtesy to @subhub174014 instead of loading that video due the criticism I get for posting excessive videos slowing this site I will leave it as an exercise to those to do an Internet query with their favorite search engine if he/she are so inclined. ?)

that doesn't change my mind on his impeachment though
would bet on that if he wins re-election.....more and more coming out everyday
Senate wanting to stop him from arms sales to the Saudis...but he can't stop that it would effect Kushners money deals...some on the right are already getting tired.....that's what happened to Nixon...his own party turned on him
Opinion polls can fluctuate greatly @subhub174014 . If you recall before the election in 2016, Hillary was supposed to win if the polls were correct?
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Also I do recall another huge upset in the polls historically where Dewey was supposed to have defeated Truman as president if the polls were correct then as well in the election of 1948.
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that all depends on who they call......they draw so many at random and call.....nothing says they didn't gather more dems than repubs or vice versa

and there have been what 3 times" in history where the popular candidate didn't win the election
Hillary beat trump in the election
gore beat Bush in the election.can't remember who the other was

so the polls were right...….the electoral college which is supposed to vote the way of the people....chose to vote their own way

Five presidential nominees who won popular vote but lost ...
Nov 16, 2016 · Five presidential nominees who won popular vote but lost the election. Democrat Al Gore won the popular vote but lost out to George W Bush. The result was so close in Florida - a key battleground state - that Mr Gore contested it and the case went all the way up to the Supreme Court. The recount of ballots led to Mr Bush gaining 271 electoral votes versus Mr Gore’s 255 votes.
  • Author: Rachael Revesz