Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

And btw I'm not suggesting that breaking up ISIS wasn't a good idea - merely that I don't agree that they will ultimately be destroyed by violence.
You say you are a biblical scholar and I'm assuming a Christian? Then you'll know that violence begets violence.
Whoa fella! I hope you would have more faith in your fellow man to suggest such a thing! How toxic American politics has become!
Question: do you think you can defeat an ideology with guns?
For starters @Subby I am Canadian not an American. And yes ideas should be thought with ideas. There are initiatives where various social media companies like Twitter and Facebook are helping the government and the military by shutting down the various jihadi websites that encouraged their mindset from the beginning.
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Moreover, if secret service, the military, various 3 lettered agencies, Scotland Yard or Interpol are reading this post, an idea that they could openly steal from me is to recruit various imams and a variety of Islamic social influencers, possibly like comics, to discourage that mindset within their communities as most people in the Western world, without any ties in the Middle East, do not immerse themselves in their culture to understand how to communicate with them in Arabic as it is not generally a subject openly taught in schools like French or Spanish?

You are right @Subby as guns and weapons only win wars and military skirmishes. But ideas can only be fought with other ideas.

I recall once hearing a documentary from Canada talking about Osama Bin Laden. What greatly inspired his mindset as well as his right hand man the physician, Ayman al-Zawahiri, against the West and by extension the creation of Al Qaida was the writings of Sayyid Qutb. He spent 2 years in America from 1948 to 1950 and he felt so disgusted by American culture he went back home and wrote several books about it that sold like wildfire throughout the Middle East. I cannot display that documentary I watched but fortunately a lot of what I seen can be found in Qutb's wiki page if you are curious.
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And btw I'm not suggesting that breaking up ISIS wasn't a good idea - merely that I don't agree that they will ultimately be destroyed by violence.
You say you are a biblical scholar and I'm assuming a Christian? Then you'll know that violence begets violence.
You are correct @Subby I do know something of the Bible but I encounter several that prefer not to discuss it. But for you I will say that in the KJV of the Holy Bible it does state in Exodus 20:13 that "thou shall not *******", but if you read the next chapter in Exodus 21:12 it does state "He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death" as society would break down with killers going about killing innocent people and whoever they please, right? And it is ironic I am discussing the Holy Bible on a porn site on a thread meant for Trump? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
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That maybe the case but for now as they are on the run where they lost most of the lands they seized at this point in time @Subby which is preferable than them being on the offensive attacking Europe, the UK, North America, or anywhere else? I hope you would not hope for a massive revival of DAESH where they ******* thousands of people simply to prove that Trump was wrong?

Oh hell no...they are still just as dangerous now as they ever were......and they have always had big plans for elsewhere in the world Intel shows them undercover in several towns....doing training and etc....the only thing changed....they don't have big areas of towns......they still have areas just not as out in the open as before
Oh hell no...they are still just as dangerous now as they ever were......and they have always had big plans for elsewhere in the world Intel shows them undercover in several towns....doing training and etc....the only thing changed....they don't have big areas of towns......they still have areas just not as out in the open as before
Better for them to be retreating instead of on the offensive though @subhub174014 .
Damn....problem is we have a pussy in charge and lacks the leader ship to do anything!

first it was Russia backing us down in the air......then it was china.....then it was iran…..and now its Venezuela!

fuck its a good thing Puerta Rico doesn't have a military or we would be in serious trouble

Venezuela fighter jet aggressive over Caribbean, U.S. says ...
Jul 21, 2019 · CARACAS, Venezuela — U.S. authorities say a Venezuelan fighter jet “aggressively shadowed” an American intelligence plane flying in international airspace over the Caribbean
You know I am Canadian without the ability to legally cast a vote in America in 2020 @subhub174014 so I suspect your cunning post was crafted to shut me down cognizant of the fact that I would not have any personal stories to share. I recall your prior criticism of me posting so many videos so I only posted 2 additional videos that moved me and I am weighing the possibility creating a new thread cautioning those that choose to view it ideally have a lot of RAM on their system if the site likes that idea? As a Trump supporter and as someone that likes to prove what I say I wanted to share this information to any possible indecisive American voters in 2020 reading this thread about voices from other American voters about their epiphanies about Trump that rarely gets seen in the general media that curiously is usually on the side of the Democrats? I wonder why that is the case? :unsure:

no just don't care for the vids...posted by anyone...if you notice I rarely go to the political thread....Franklin posts vids all the time...same with 2bi...…..vids mean nothing in the first place....just someone's opinion...and who knows if they are being paid to say whatever.....people want to have a discussion...say want to post a vid.....have no plans on looking at it...hell I have a TV...or plenty on the computer.....not interested in what some one thinks someone else is saying!
You are correct @Subby I do know something of the Bible but I encounter several that prefer not to discuss it. But for you I will say that in the KJV of the Holy Bible it does state in Exodus 20:13 that "thou shall not *******", but if you read the next chapter in Exodus 21:12 it does state "He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death" as society would break down with killers going about killing innocent people and whoever they please, right? And it is ironic I am discussing the Holy Bible on a porn site on a thread meant for Trump? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
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I knew you were Canadian by the way :)
Well, and this is where we will definitely disagree, I see the bible as nonsense. It doesn't make sense to say that it is wrong to *******, so if you ******* you'll be killed.
Secondly, we don't execute murderers over here - we stick em in prison, then our consciences are clear. :)
who knows how many they have trained and sent elsewhere....their having a town just gives them a lot more freedom out in the open....if you read intel they are still in several towns just not "flaunting" it right now....we never got any of their leadership or comanders
The criminally ingenious fashion DAESH operates always shield their upper echelon of their leadership. The terror cells are given their orders secretly somehow within their terror cells from their leaders. If you were to capture and ******* them they would not tell you as most probably don't know who they are. Even if they did with their mindset they would desire to get killed in that zugzwang position ending up in Guantanamo possibly because they do believe Allah would give them their 72 virgins. And speaking with muslims in my city there are some that go so far to comprehend their Quranic verses to believe that Allah would provide them a giant mansion that has 72 rooms, in each room there would be 72 beds, and on each bed there would be 72 virgins. So in total there could be in that interpretation 72 x 72 x 72 = 373,248 virgins in their afterlife.
The criminally ingenious fashion DAESH operates always shield their upper echelon of their leadership. The terror cells are given their orders secretly somehow within their terror cells from their leaders. If you were to capture and ******* them they would not tell you as most probably don't know who they are. Even if they did with their mindset they would desire to get killed in that zugzwang position ending up in Guantanamo possibly because they do believe Allah would give them their 72 virgins. And speaking with muslims in my city there are some that go so far to comprehend their Quranic verses to believe that Allah would provide them a giant mansion that has 72 rooms, in each room there would be 72 beds, and on each bed there would be 72 virgins. So in total there could be in that interpretation 72 x 72 x 72 = 373,248 virgins in their afterlife.
Virgins are boring. Give me a dirty bitch any day! :)
no just don't care for the vids...posted by anyone...if you notice I rarely go to the political thread....Franklin posts vids all the time...same with 2bi...…..vids mean nothing in the first place....just someone's opinion...and who knows if they are being paid to say whatever.....people want to have a discussion...say want to post a vid.....have no plans on looking at it...hell I have a TV...or plenty on the computer.....not interested in what some one thinks someone else is saying!
Those vids are not meant to convince you @subhub174014 just for those that did not make up their mind.
I knew you were Canadian by the way :)
Well, and this is where we will definitely disagree, I see the bible as nonsense. It doesn't make sense to say that it is wrong to *******, so if you ******* you'll be killed.
Secondly, we don't execute murderers over here - we stick em in prison, then our consciences are clear. :)
I am sorry that you don't believe and I thought you wanted to go there as you mentioned the Bible. I won't bring it up unless someone else desires to pursue that tangent.
For starters @Subby I am Canadian not an American. And yes ideas should be thought with ideas. There are initiatives where various social media companies like Twitter and Facebook are helping the government and the military by shutting down the various jihadi websites that encouraged their mindset from the beginning.
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Moreover, if secret service, the military, various 3 lettered agencies, Scotland Yard or Interpol are reading this post, an idea that they could openly steal from me is to recruit various imams and a variety of Islamic social influencers, possibly like comics, to discourage that mindset within their communities as most people in the Western world, without any ties in the Middle East, do not immerse themselves in their culture to understand how to communicate with them in Arabic as it is not generally a subject openly taught in schools like French or Spanish?

You are right @Subby as guns and weapons only win wars and military skirmishes. But ideas can only be fought with other ideas.

I recall once hearing a documentary from Canada talking about Osama Bin Laden. What greatly inspired his mindset as well as his right hand man the physician, Ayman al-Zawahiri, against the West and by extension the creation of Al Qaida was the writings of Sayyid Qutb. He spent 2 years in America from 1948 to 1950 and he felt so disgusted by American culture he went back home and wrote several books about it that sold like wildfire throughout the Middle East. I cannot display that documentary I watched but fortunately a lot of what I seen can be found in Qutb's wiki page if you are curious.
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that is the reason we never should have went there in the first place....and can not is a religious war....and guns can not beat beliefs!
unless you just ******* them all and let god sort it out

but since we went over there and stuck our nose in..... why didn't we build a military base there like we have done in every other help promote stability.....well guess since we took over Iraq and turned it over to friends of Iran.....they want us out.....we have an air base in Turkey.....and now they are leaning towards long before we have to pull out there.....we were working on Syria...but now have just handed that over to russia

had we built a base in northern we did in germany ...S.K......and other places......we might have been able to handle areas that were getting out of control....some of the people there feel a little safer....and a deterrent to some....

we all just argue/discuss or whatever.....but doubt anyone on here will change their minds on what we say or do
This. At least nobody will admit to changing their minds on this forum. Hopefully they're given food for thought however. I am in any case.

we all just argue/discuss or whatever.....but doubt anyone on here will change their minds on what we say or do
It is nice that you did that impressive work to not only currently track down and interview every voting capable American member on this site to arrive at that conclusion @subhub174014 in addition to having the accurate forethought to predict and track down all future voting capable American members of this site before the American election in 2020 to arrive at that conclusion. ?????

Using your predictive analytics could I inquire the next grand prize winning lottery numbers from you too @subhub174014 ?
I believe the real answer is to reinvigorate the UN and make it work. Allowing the likes of Israel to flout resolutions and then Bush and Blair deliberately sidelining the UN in order to get their own back over Saddam weakened catastrophically the UN and effectively made it a talking shop.
A functioning UN is the only body that could effectively deal with geopolitical and ideological conflicts in my opinion.
This. At least nobody will admit to changing their minds on this forum. Hopefully they're given food for thought however. I am in any case.

well would like to think so....I usually post as many facts as I can...….but for the most part I don't think they read....or just call it fake news.....the only thing that changes minds...….the pocketbooks!
It is nice that you did that impressive work to not only currently track down and interview every voting capable American member on this site to arrive at that conclusion @subhub174014 in addition to having the accurate forethought to predict and track down all future voting capable American members of this site before the American election in 2020 to arrive at that conclusion. ?????

Using your predictive analytics could I inquire the next grand prize winning lottery numbers from you too @subhub174014 ?

see or talk to anyone on here that hasn't already spoke out one way or the other?
I haven't....they all are either for or against......the ones that don't know or care don't come to these threads
