Girls getting Blacked!

Joy Mulligan (Stacy Adams) Instagram account got hacked, instant karma for her be acting like a good friend like myself didn't exist self-sabotaging a good friendship at the beginning.
Anyway, I hope you ladies are doing okay keep being awesome & love black sweethearts.😎
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I can't be the only one who hates when his or her smartphone be acting stupid, like I'm not going to delete years of good photos all because your manufacturer can't give you a good amount of memory space, if a flash drive and a hard drive can save everything you've collected since high school what's these companies that make smartphones excuse?
Thank God for Google Cloud, nice safe switch one always need a contingency plan especially when you're a creative writer with a lot of good erotic interracial stories saved overtime.
Swear to God, I Google search black man white woman always keep getting the opposite half of the time Google AI be acting like she's hard of hearing.
Scientist Patrick 10082022012738.jpg
If I was President of the United States, I would create an executive order that will provide ladies of the night free healthcare & other good benefits so long as they continue to be good decent human beings and overall a good law abiding American citizen.
No need for society to treat them less of human beings until proven otherwise by the individual in question, it wouldn't be hard for them to obtain this free healthcare thing all they have to do is love black men & visit their local clinic or Hospital for daily checkups.
Of course the money will come from taxing rich snobs that be jerks to us everyday American citizens, the leftover money will go into nice architecture for building nice rent free cozy apartments near by for them to live as a nice contingency plan in case they're evicted from their rent controlled apartments or mortgage payment house. All of their basic resources will be nearby, with the added bonus of their new place having a nice indoor pool & workout gym for them to enjoy let a nice place for them to hangout & get something to eat along with a nice spa & hair salon with gorgeous black men spa staff & hairstylists who are total sweethearts.
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