Get REAL with your stories and pictures !!

I wouldn't expect anything from the stories here except a good laugh. They are stories after all.
Not in our case, I assure You, I was the luckiest guy in the world ,Marrying the Woman I did.
She turned fro a very Shy 16.3 year old to in Her late 20,s and mom of 2,to a very sexual Woman.
Now in our 70,s it is all just Memories
Just remember, when you post your REAL PICTURES on the internet, they then 'automatically' become Internet Porn just like all the others that are HERE, so maybe you should lighten up on calling out those who post internet photos. I believe what most of the complaints are about, however, is not internet photos but professionally staged porn photos on professional internet porn sites which you are required to JOIN in order to gain access to their photos. Some people just refuse to think these things out.

Also, just because a photo has a internet porn site logo/label across the photo or at the bottom doesn't mean these photos are copyright photos. Most the time the website labelings are there simply to get people to come to view & join their websites ... a little advertisement ploy.