Gen Z white girls in modern Blacked/Blacker world - dating patterns etc.

If you're a Gen Z White woman, what was your dating pattern like?

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as searching for young (18+ of course) fembois/sissies in the internet I DO recognize that they are different....mor open-minded and tolerant and curious , so yes Gen-Z is different :)
im a millennial too ! im in my mid 30s and im currently dating a 20yr gen z black guy.
when i was younger, it was like that as well ! but, as much as i was attracted to black men, i fought through all of the hate and slurs from lots of people. even my best friend at the time in high school stopped talking to me because i began dating a black kid from another school. ironically, she has 4 black ******* now. but even though there was interracial dating before the millennial generation, those people mainly kept it hidden. i personally believe that is was us, the millennials, who really paved the way for gen z girls to feel liberated to explore interracial dating and/or interracial sex.
you're right, my ex-wife is a millennial and now lives with a Senegalese man. My ex-wife and I have two who now live with her and the Senegalese so n. Millennial women have pioneered the white woman - black man relationship