I think the more of this that happens, the more cuckold relationships will become accepted and mainstream. Its a growing lifestyle of course, but still very much a 'discreet' thing. I would love for us to be more proud of ourselves and it become known that not all men are created equal and we all have our uses and roles in a modern society.
White men becoming viewed as non sexual, or holding far less sex appeal to modern women, and possessing a sexuality that is somewhere between Real men and women. Thats a positive step forward i feel.
I have also thoughts that this should al begin to happen sooner, i.e. in our teens. So as soon as young men begin to masturbate, white males recognise QofS as the sexiest women ever and watch solely IR porn. And...... the promotion of Black sex toys to white males and females beome increased. Talk of the prostate in white men and vibrators etc.