Flat cages and reduction

I’ve seen some cages so small that they look impossible to wear. Some that even push the guys junk inside him. Not very reality driven. A guy would have to be very tiny and even then long term wear isn’t possible
Normally I'm nearly 7in hard, overnight in a cage I'm 4in hard, so we downsize the next day. Longest we've done it so far is 8 days and day 8 I was at 3.5, back to 7ish the next day so we'd really have to keep at it to downsize anymore.
I’ve seen some cages so small that they look impossible to wear. Some that even push the guys junk inside him. Not very reality driven. A guy would have to be very tiny and even then long term wear isn’t possible
I have also seen a few that just appear too small and would inhibit normal peeing. Long term use requires work/planning/cleaning and all that. I've had my husband in cages for extended periods. We had to use two, one on him and one being cleaned. He'd shower, clean himself and I'd put the clean one on.

We also had to make exceptions for airplane travel and riding our bikes. He just could not have a cage on and ride his road bike. Besides, that one time I did insist he wear it, I could see the lock and cage through the spandex.
I have also seen a few that just appear too small and would inhibit normal peeing. Long term use requires work/planning/cleaning and all that. I've had my husband in cages for extended periods. We had to use two, one on him and one being cleaned. He'd shower, clean himself and I'd put the clean one on.

We also had to make exceptions for airplane travel and riding our bikes. He just could not have a cage on and ride his road bike. Besides, that one time I did insist he wear it, I could see the lock and cage through the spandex.
Wow. I can't imagine wearing a cage while riding a bike. Your balls are so tightly stretched that being fully seated would be quite painful.

I prefer the metal cages with plenty of holes/gaps to allow for cleaning in the shower while you wear it.

Funny that you mention airplane travel. My wife loves my cock too much to keep me locked up for long periods of time. Usually it's in the 1 to 2 day range. Occasionally 3-4 days. But when I have slept with a cage on I have had a reoccurring dream that she would make me wear a metal cage when we were flying. Standing in line with the cage on, seeing the TSA screener running the wand to find metal, me moving forward as slowly as possible. My wife whispering in my ear, asking me what I'm going to do when the wand goes off when it moves past my cage. I always wake up right before it's my turn. Usually I wake up sweating from the dream and always, very turned on, cock straining against my cage.
can't use a cage, ring won't fit over big balls
That's not really true. There are a ton of different cage styles and options for all sizes. Before we picked out my first cage I watched a video of a guy with a thick 9" cock and big balls get into a cage with no trouble.
Finding the right size is important. Then it basically comes down to practice. When I first put one on it took almost an hour. Lube is your friend. Focus on getting one ball through the ring. Then I use the one hand to keep that ball inside the ring, pushed to the side, and then I push through the second ball. Expect some moderate discomfort in getting the second one through. After you are done getting the cage on, clean the lube from your balls to prevent them from moving around too much.

After plenty of practice, I can get my main cage on in less than 2 minutes.