First meet

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Update. Things seemed to be proceeding. After the holidays. I contacted him again to set up a meet. His email is non existent. I got the old “failure notice”. Does not exist. Tell me about it
Two things. Make sure you talk about this outside of bed as well. it's a calmer discussion on the car or the living room. Now that you've made up your minds, try to find someone reasonably quickly, but safely. The longer you wait the more time for doubts to set in and change one of your minds.
I have been talking via email with a potential bbc bull. He wants a face to face meeting with me and my wife to see how things go?
I am looking to you all for advice on how to proceed. This will be our first time meeting a stranger. View attachment 3046817
It's not rocket science. Don't overthink it. Meet in public at a bar...have a few drinks....make sure everyone is one the same page and pics are accurate...if the attraction is there then set up a time to play...either the same night or set up a date. It's that simple.
Good Luck!
this Is too complicated. After a few days of emails, a couple pic exchanges. We asked for a simple meet and greet, crickets. That was 12-24. Nothing since then.
It's not complicated. It may be frustrating, but not complicated. If this is your first time, know that unfortunately that is part of being in the lifestyle. Emails are exchanged. Then people go dark. It's stupid. We are fucking adults and some still act like high school *******. It could possibly be something happened to him, but I would hope he had enough respect or something with you than to just go dark. Did he ghost right after seeing pics or did it take a while?
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