Eye Candy

The note my future wife sent with this note simply said, "Guess how many? And, all were Black." This was when she was 18, back in 1978. To this day, she still won't say how many Black men took her that weekend. It wasn't until much later that Angie said the party lasted all weekend and involved Black fraternities from across five states. Angie did say that she did have to see an OB/GYN afterward because several of the men were so large and thrust into her vagina so hard and deep that her cervix was bruised. What did the doctor tell Angie? "Stay away from Black men for a week or so until you heal. And, tell them to be careful in the future!" Angie asked the doctor what made her think she'd had sex with a Black man. Angie said the doctor giggled and said, "I should know. I had a Black lover when I was pre-med."


Guess How Many.jpg
Because of her grades, Angie was invited to have a year abroad in addition to the usual 4-year B.A. term. So, she went to Rouen, France to study Modern French Culture. While there, Angie became friends with Jean-Claude, another foreign student. Jean-Claude was from Upper Volta, and was also studying French Culture to take back to his home country to improve the lives of his countrymen. Angie was the first American woman he met. While Jean-Claude had introduced many French women to interracial sex and his native African seed, he was looking in particular for a Caucasian woman to take back as his bride and bear children for him. As he and Angie got to know each other, Jean-Claude was amazed that at the age of 19, Angie was intentionally impregnated by a Black man and had given birth to his baby. Thus, Jean-Claude eventually became Angie’s third husband. This is the first photo Angie sent me from Rouen after she had mentioned Jean-Claude. The note with this photo read simply, “We haven’t had sex. Yet.” Sorry it’s in B & W. But, color film was expensive in France back then (1980) and had to be developed in a commercial lab. This was developed in the darkroom of the photography club at the University.


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