Voluntary Interracial sex does create a positive bond between two races. It is about different races than your own..it is not about black or white..it could be between Hindu Muslim...christian..jews buddhist and sikh community etc .if we dont allow water to flow free and put a wall then water starts accumulating and at one stage water pressure becomes so high that it pulls down the wall and starts folwing freely as per its natural tendancy..this is what happens in real life....what happened in Bosnia is good example...Muslim women in Bosnia never allowed other communities to fuck them..eventually serb army separated all muslim men in custody and started fucking all muslim women .once woman was raped she would get permanent tatoo to identify that woman has been successfully used by serbian men...then the woman would get another tatoo when she gets pregnant by serbian military...once pregnant ******* would start and woman will get all medical help to make sure that baby is born healthy..many men kept fucking untill they became pregnant...this continued for a period of 3 full years..out of 2,00,000 muslim woman they managed to get 150000 women pregnant..10000 women could not get pregnant because of some medical issues tbey had and 20000 women had already reached menopause and 20000 were 11 to 14 years old children so they could not get tbem pregnant...no one can justify this extremely cruel and barbaric act however this happened because free sexual flow between two races were obstructed and then this lead to this catastrophe
Thanks for your post. It was an interesting read. I knew a lot of crimes were committed during the war, but I didn't know the exact numbers.
I am very interested in sexual flow, and in fact so interested that we as a white couple have a biracial kid.
We believe that biracial ******* are very healthy, and having biracial ******* sends a strong signal: We love diversity.