Dueling HotWife/Stag Chronicles (Stag Version)


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Real Person
So, I started a thread last week called "A Stag Contributing Back To The Forum,” where I received some wonderful feedback that I was really grateful for.
There has been a giant awakening between my wife and I during this past week and she wants to post her own version of what we are beginning simultaneous to my posts. So she suggested we both start a new thread (hers is in the HotWife Forum) with a similar title so people might enjoy the “he said/she said” version of whatever it is that awaits both of us and what's about to happen.

So here we go!

It seems that I stumbled upon something neither one of us was completely aware of. Before I got married two years ago, I had been an enthusiastic member of this site for at least a decade prior. I was embarrassed about this and never shared it with anybody else. Having read hundreds of posts in different threads on the site gave me a pretty good understanding of the dynamics of this lifestyle. The parameters, the dynamics, the turn on, the excitement, the jealousy, and the experience for both the husband and the wife, as well as the lovers/Bulls. I not only understood it all, but I felt it deeply as well.

I incorrectly assumed that my wife understood all of this as well during the past year or so that she has been joining me as a participant in this site. I was wrong. She did not understand fully some of the important elementals. She was mostly doing this as a service to me because she knew it excited me and she gets off on my excitement and joy.

I borrowed some of the content of other’s posts to incorporate into my dirty talk. In all fairness, I told her some of what I was describing was what I read from others. For the first time she became aware of the inverse power differential that is part of this kink. I did my best to narrate the excitement of a woman who discovers her own lust and deep desires that become unleashed by participating in this lifestyle. I described the selfishness and empowerment a HotWife enjoys by being able to pick who she has sex with, when she has sex, how she has sex, how often she has sex, and with how many people she has sex with. I described the delicious mixture of fear/jealous/excitement that the cuckolds/stags experience. I described a common theme when the moment comes when the wife is no longer doing this for her husband, but is doing it for herself.

Holy cow, that just became a major epoch for her. Since we were having sex while I was in the flow with my dirty talk about all of this, I had the indescribable thrill of being inside of her as her body organically reacted to this new paradigm. What a place to be. What a thing to feel. It was mind blowing for both of us. I literally got to see, feel, smell, and taste her awakening. This might have been more mind blowing than anything I have ever read on here in the hundreds of posts that I enjoyed. Something fundamentally shifted and awoken in her. It was exciting, joyous, unbelievably stimulating, and tangibly frightening all at the same time for me.

She ended up pointing out something to me I honestly did not fully put together on my own even though I thought I fully understood this lifestyle. We both participate on occasion in the kink community where I am the Dom and she is the submissive. I honestly did not know I had that in me at first only did it because this excited her. However, it awakened something in me I honestly didn't know was a part of my human sexuality. It was actually very healing for me.

She pointed out that this was the same phenomenon of power exchange. Except in this lifestyle, the female enjoys all the benefit of exercising the power, and the male surrenders to it, and experiences some of the dynamics of powerlessness. Even though I consider myself to be more of a stag than a cuck, it's a gaseous delineation that is far from clean. I see now that there is obviously a part of me that gets to experience being on the other side of this power differential. Again, it was highly stimulating and tangibly anxious.

After one of the hottest sex scenes we've ever shared, she explained to me that she has never been on this side of the equation as a woman. Part of this is because she comes from a very fundamentalist religious family. Part of it is because she is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Part of it was because her ******* was a narcissist and she was taught to be a perfectionist that serves others. And part of it is from 10,000 years of civilization.

She explained to me that this new understanding of what a HotWife is would be an entirely different experience and expression of her sexuality that she's never had. Wow, I love the idea of this. She then celebrated me for being a rare man that would be so willing to give her this power in freedom. Wow, I like that too! I realize it sounds grandiose, but I do consider myself to be a feminist, or at least as much of a feminist as a man can be. A year and a half ago I gave her a book called The Ethical Slut. I didn't know if she be interested in it. But she highlighted every page, and it changed her life.

I remember reading different erotic postings on here of where a woman does this mostly just to please her man, but then discovers herself in the process. I am literally witnessing this now. It brings up a myriad of conflicting thoughts and feelings in me. This is some seriously high octane stuff.

We have had three experiences with three different men during the last year and a half. They were all a pretty good experience. However, this was a few events over extended period of time and not a regular occurrence. I believe that is about to change in a major way. This ******* is literally setting sail on what appears to be a long term around the world full time voyage.

Earlier today she posted on her own a shout out for local BBC's in the SoCal area. I'm not sure how to describe my feelings about this. It's everything I read about on here on the forum but for real. I'm proud of her. I'm excited for her. I'm excited and stimulated. I'm uncomfortable and anxious. I'm having trouble sleeping. This lifestyle ******* seems to be a mixture of both an opiate and a stimulant at the same time. I'm so dissociative, and feeling a sense of pleasure, while I'm over anxious with an energy that is not within my control, but it's directly related to her control. I am definitely not the dominant in this dynamic.

I have to admit that I want this. I have to admit that I'm scared of this. I have to admit that I'm happy about this. I'm happy to admit that I am not the creator of what comes next. The only thing I can say is I'm grateful to have a place I can share some of this experience with others that understand and even appreciate it all.
My ability to make adjustments to my own work schedule now allows me to block out availability for my wife's decision to have dates every Wednesday night with a BBC. What the hell is this? I guess I'm about to find out.

I'm gonna post a few of the pictures we took from last week's escapade. I apologize if any of this was long-winded, but I don't know anyone in person I can safely talk about all this with other than the folks here on this forum. Thanks again for all the feedback, wisdom, and support from the earlier part of this thread.
So, my wife gave me a bit of a heart attack last night when she casually leaned over and announced that she's getting a queen of spades tattoo on her ankle. I immediately experienced no small degree of anxiety when I realized I have no say over this. I then felt instantly guilty that I have been inadvertently giving her a mixed message. We just made the decision last week for her to move forward on her new paradigm of what an empowered, unapologetic, and free, HotWife can do. I meant that when I said it.

However, yikes! Seriously, this is a big decision. Putting it on her ankle means that everywhere we go forever more we are flying our flag in public, and will inevitably get all kinds of attention. Both good and bad. I meekly confessed that I was having mixed feelings about this. She immediately turned it all around and said she was happy to involve me in the decision. That was definitely calming. But it also made me feel that I just took some of the fun away from her. She meant it when she said it, but I could tell she was a bit disappointed. I felt terrible.

Good news is we then scoured the internet to look for different types. That was both fun and bonding and even exciting. It looks to be quite inevitable that we're going to give a green light to go forward with it. Last night I saw my old employee who I ran a clinic with for five years. He's one of my very favorite people. He was always extremely respectful to me and saw me as a wise and substantial person who was an expert in our field. He also appropriately saw me as a bit of a square. He was actually a part-time musician and was the epitome of cool. I personally witnessed how other women reacted to him and I was secretly jealous.

When my wife asked me last night how I wanted her to dress for the meeting, I replied that she should wear anything she wants. But if I'm to be honest with myself here, I really wanted her to get a little sexed out. Well, did she ever! She wore my favorite black dress that is very exposing, her HotWife necklace, and the Queen Of Spades anklet with her high heels. Freaking smoking!

My old friend literally couldn't control his reaction when he saw her. I felt preposterously proud of my sexy trophy wife. When we all said goodbye, he apparently said to her that next time he wants the R rated version of our story. She seductively turned to him, and then completely unabashed manner replied "I'm ready when you are". So whatever it is he was thinking, it was not just confirmed, but appropriately amplified in his head. I believe he is confused, completely stimulated, and happy for me. So, I'm now the cool guy. I never saw that coming....

So, maybe I want that tattoo on her in a visible place after all!
Holy cow,

I just came across the original thread that I started (“A Stags Contribution Back To The Forum”) before I changed it into this one, and noticed it had over 1000 views. I don't even know what to say about this, I just hope other people enjoyed reading what I wrote or got something meaningful from it. I have been so touched by all the feedback people wrote back to me on it.

It's official. Both my wife and I are now getting tattoos. She has decided that she wants a black Queen Of Spades emblem just above her ankle. This is a BIG decision because it's in a place that will be seen publicly. We thought it through, and we decided to do it anyway. My wife has many tattoos, so I shall defer to her wisdom and experience with these matters.

I am going to get my first ever one done as well. I've decided I want it to be a form of photo realism in all black where you can clearly see her face and her body. We found a great photo we took in New Orleans from a convention called Naughty In New Orleans two years ago. She's proudly kneeling on a bed in her red thong, looking to the right, with her hair framing her face. It will show her Queen of Spades tattoo in the tattoo that will go on my shoulder/arm, and we will have her wearing a thong that clearly says QOS on it.

We might also have a devil tail put on her image that will show from behind, and we may put the Queen Of Spades emblem on the tip of her tail.

We have an appointment Wednesday with the artist who will draw up sketch for both of us. He is incredibly talented at doing detailed work of faces. This is a giant step for both of us, and a genuine commitment to this lifestyle. We will definitely post to pictures here when we're done.
It’s Wednesday! Hopefully getting an update?
It’s Wednesday! Hopefully getting an update?
I'm slightly embarrassed to report that there is no update. Today was supposed to be the day I get the tattoo. Our original idea somehow morphed into a whole new concept of an image that was more kink than HotWife, as we are also part of that community as well. The image was her portrait where I had my hand on her throat, and she had mascara and tears coming down her eyes. The artist did a series of photos he took to map out the concept. When we showed this to our friends, they were horrified.

My original concept of combining both our communities, and one tattoo proved to be too convoluted and busy.

So both my wife and myself decided to give it a week to think it through. I suspect that will still go forward with all of this soon enough, but we're taking a little time to make darn sure this is what we want to have permanently on us both (Hers is going to be a Queen of Spades image on her left ankle). Stay tuned! We hope to have fun stuff to show soon enough.
I was going to say that tomorrow is D- day for me, but I just learned that it actually is the anniversary of D-Day and I don't mean to be disrespectful. Thanks to all of you who have served.

Tomorrow is however, the day I get my first ever tattoo. And it's a big one. It's going to be a photorealistic portraiture of my wife on both my shoulder and arm. We decided to go more Kink oriented for this one. We earnestly attempted to include elements of our Queen Of Spades/ HotWife lifestyle, but it was just too darn convoluted and busy.

So for now our plan is for her to get her QOS tattoo on her ankle in the very near future. My wife has told me that she's going to wear her QOS tank top and anklet tomorrow as she keeps me company for the all day session with the Tattoo artist at his studio. We have already showed him the design we want for her tattoo on her ankle next. He must see all kinds of stuff all the time because he showed no emotion or reaction whatsoever. I guess it's pretty darn difficult to phase a tattoo artist!

While my wife is an MMA fighter and is able to tolerate the exquisite pain/pleasure of a 12 inch BBC, I am a complete wimp, so we'll see how my all day tattoo session goes tomorrow. And if that's not enough to convince you of my complete cowardice, I'll also mention that I had my mom give me some of her leftover pain medication from her last surgery, just in case. Who wants to place bets that I use all of it?