I know! Most people have sex before marriage and it’s usually the factor that propels a relationship forward...certainly initially. If you can’t hang with a little pipi long term, why are you marrying them? My wife said she ended a fairly promising relationship for that very reason...she just didn’t think she could be sexually satisfied long term with his size. And eastern cultures divide us sexually, both sexes, basically into small, medium, and large. Smalls and mediums can work together, and mediums and larges can work together long term....but smalls and larges, not so much. And I’m blessed with 7.5” nice and thick but some women are tighter no matter their age while other feel loose and sloppy with no tone at all...even some young women. 3” is way at the end of the bell curve though and if you’re a woman, it would have to give you pause because there are LOTS of good sized men out there of ALL races to marry AND fuck.