Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Quite the jump there.

Capitalism needs reform. Not all Democrats want a socialist nation. Republicans want to further advanced capitalism which I don't see ending well either.

This myth that everyone not voting Trump wants to end capitalism needs to die.

It’s not a myth, see Venezuela. The problem is the democrat left is SO FAR left it’s not going to help the middle class. Hence why I said the status quo is better than switching to what the (democratic peoples republic of America) DPRA are trying to accomplish
It’s not a myth, see Venezuela. The problem is the democrat left is SO FAR left it’s not going to help the middle class. Hence why I said the status quo is better than switching to what the (democratic peoples republic of America) DPRA are trying to accomplish

This is a poor example and ignores nuance.

You can point to Finland or Sweden as more progressive countries than the US and they seem to be doing just fine.

This US vs US mentality has already fucked this country over for the most part. Two party system is garbage.
This is a poor example and ignores nuance.

You can point to Finland or Sweden as more progressive countries than the US and they seem to be doing just fine.

This US vs US mentality has already fucked this country over for the most part. Two party system is garbage.

Those 2 examples reflect your not up to date on WHY it’s worked. In those 2 countries the people’s culture is night and day different. It works in countries where the people wake up every day and WORK to make the country great. In America everyone wants everything while doing the least amount possible. It reflects how bad America’s culture and ethics have become. Secondly, Sweden is tanking fast with all the migrants or refugees that have invaded the country. There is now almost daily bombings with crime and ******* going up 400% in some areas then in years past.
Those 2 examples reflect your not up to date on WHY it’s worked. In those 2 countries the people’s culture is night and day different. It works in countries where the people wake up every day and WORK to make the country great. In America everyone wants everything while doing the least amount possible. It reflects how bad America’s culture and ethics have become. Secondly, Sweden is tanking fast with all the migrants or refugees that have invaded the country. There is now almost daily bombings with crime and ******* going up 400% in some areas then in years past.

So Venezuela has the same culture as the US though right? There is no nuance between these comparisons and only one extreme to the next? You missed the point I was making which was that we can borrow the things that worked for some of the countries not emulate them 1 for 1. Your rhetoric is still nothing but the typical right-wing talking points. Norway, NZ, Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden all have a better quality of life than we do at the moment. The Sweden bombings need to be addressed though, yes. But if you bring up the bomb problem there be fair and bring up the gun problem here where we just had a 6 year killed in a California mass shooting and daily gun violence that gets masked by living in a country of 300 million where the best response we get is, "well you should be carrying a gun to protect yourself." Yet other countries have no problem developing incredibly strict gun laws like Japan for example.

Crime stats are garbage because they never apply to most people and it's just fearmongering. For example, people love pointing out crime in Chicago but you or most people will never visit or live in the areas where the crime persist so why does that even matter besides having an excuse to gatekeep? Besides that, it is no different than other big cities outside those areas of pocketed crime. Don't give me this "least amount possible" nonsense, people get stuck in low wage jobs... Some a lot longer than others and can barely afford a decent life. The country can do better but advancing capitalism means those at the bottom suffer even more. Republicans want to privatize these corporations... Think about that. Reforming capitalism doesn't have to mean socialism. It just beans limiting corporations that, arguably, are the ones already running the country.
So Venezuela has the same culture as the US though right? There is no nuance between these comparisons and only one extreme to the next? You missed the point I was making which was that we can borrow the things that worked for some of the countries not emulate them 1 for 1. Your rhetoric is still nothing but the typical right-wing talking points. Norway, NZ, Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden all have a better quality of life than we do at the moment. The Sweden bombings need to be addressed though, yes. But if you bring up the bomb problem there be fair and bring up the gun problem here where we just had a 6 year killed in a California mass shooting and daily gun violence that gets masked by living in a country of 300 million where the best response we get is, "well you should be carrying a gun to protect yourself." Yet other countries have no problem developing incredibly strict gun laws like Japan for example.

Crime stats are garbage because they never apply to most people and it's just fearmongering. For example, people love pointing out crime in Chicago but you or most people will never visit or live in the areas where the crime persist so why does that even matter besides having an excuse to gatekeep? Besides that, it is no different than other big cities outside those areas of pocketed crime. Don't give me this "least amount possible" nonsense, people get stuck in low wage jobs... Some a lot longer than others and can barely afford a decent life. The country can do better but advancing capitalism means those at the bottom suffer even more. Republicans want to privatize these corporations... Think about that. Reforming capitalism doesn't have to mean socialism. It just beans limiting corporations that, arguably, are the ones already running the country.

I’m not arguing capitalism needs some adjustments because it absolutely does. I’m arguing that following what most of the politicians running for president on the (D) ticket fail to understand why implementing their proposals would be more disastrous then what we have now.
So Venezuela has the same culture as the US though right? There is no nuance between these comparisons and only one extreme to the next? You missed the point I was making which was that we can borrow the things that worked for some of the countries not emulate them 1 for 1. Your rhetoric is still nothing but the typical right-wing talking points. Norway, NZ, Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden all have a better quality of life than we do at the moment. The Sweden bombings need to be addressed though, yes. But if you bring up the bomb problem there be fair and bring up the gun problem here where we just had a 6 year killed in a California mass shooting and daily gun violence that gets masked by living in a country of 300 million where the best response we get is, "well you should be carrying a gun to protect yourself." Yet other countries have no problem developing incredibly strict gun laws like Japan for example.

Crime stats are garbage because they never apply to most people and it's just fearmongering. For example, people love pointing out crime in Chicago but you or most people will never visit or live in the areas where the crime persist so why does that even matter besides having an excuse to gatekeep? Besides that, it is no different than other big cities outside those areas of pocketed crime. Don't give me this "least amount possible" nonsense, people get stuck in low wage jobs... Some a lot longer than others and can barely afford a decent life. The country can do better but advancing capitalism means those at the bottom suffer even more. Republicans want to privatize these corporations... Think about that. Reforming capitalism doesn't have to mean socialism. It just beans limiting corporations that, arguably, are the ones already running the country.

Corporate greed is the biggest plague facing the USA.
I’m not arguing capitalism needs some adjustments because it absolutely does. I’m arguing that following what most of the politicians running for president on the (D) ticket fail to understand why implementing their proposals would be more disastrous then what we have now.

I don't really like anyone on the Dem ticket this go around. Biden and Harris make me sick and the ones that I do like kind of like don't have a chance at winning, but I certainly wouldn't vote Trump in again so I'd have to default to whoever wins the Dem ticket. Either way, the world keeps spinning.
Trump 2020 ... don't believe them Dems Socialism sucks
If you continue post that you will eventually attract the attention of various Democratic minded people on this site or those who are anti-Trump. If so, I hope you are very thick-skinned and that you can debate well and be able to defend your beliefs. Trump 2020!
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