Do many guys just go and ask white women to fuck?

Hi all.

Genuine question have the bulls on here ever genuinely have just walked up to a couple or woman on here own and just straight up asked to fuck them? Either in normal everyday life or when out at a bar or something?

And the women cuck couples, has this ever happened to you?
I used to get it all the time, I've had dudes pull up beside me in the street and ask me to come home with them, hang around bars I've worked at trying to get me to come home with them. To be honest, I've never liked it. It seems thirsty. And to be fair, the most persistent men are white, black men have always been respectful when rebuffed.
I used to get it all the time, I've had dudes pull up beside me in the street and ask me to come home with them, hang around bars I've worked at trying to get me to come home with them. To be honest, I've never liked it. It seems thirsty. And to be fair, the most persistent men are white, black men have always been respectful when rebuffed.

Yep.i actually think black men just try their luck and if it's a no, no harm, white guys seem to have a problem and feel women owe them a fuck if they ask.