Disenchantment with the lifestyle

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Real Person
We are a couple who has been doing the hotwife/ cuckold thing for a while now. Over our several encounters, many have been mediocre and a few have been just plain terrible. Only one bull so far has been a steady, and even he has hang-ups that are unappealing. While this lifestyle can be fun and entertaining, it's a lot of work. Searching, meeting, planning around multiple schedules, and often the juice simply is not worth the squeeze.

Has anyone ever gone through a period of just not enjoying the lifestyle? Did you take a break and come back eventually? If you made it through, what did you do to resolve your issues? Has anyone just gave up and made it just a fantasy?
Unfortunately, I think your experience is the reality. The way we have always looked at it one in 10 experiences is incredible. The other 9 are somewhere between dismal and incredible. Unfortunately, you have to do all 10 to get the one experience that is truly amazing. For us it's been worth putting up with a few mediocre experiences for an off the charts amazing experience.
Its often not easy because people (both couples & single, bull males) often don't wish to invest in the grooming of a relationship with those they plan to interact with. Its even more awkward than that "first date" in grade school. At least when we were young and going on a "first date" we already knew a little about who we were going on the date with. Except here, couples often skip over the socializing and bonding pre-requisites and go straight to the sex. If everyone is comfortable with it, fine ... but often someone feels a bit awkward of the instant "shake & bake" process.
I know I don't necessarily develop an "instantaneous erection" if a woman comes on to me with sexual intent. If "instantaneous" results is what you desire, possibly check out some of the Adult Lifestyle groups that are around.
My wife & I found, over the years, that 3-somes worked better for us, so we quit trying to arrange the couple swaps.
I would simply suggest you uncomplicate these meetings by allowing "common interest" to develop first, and identifying "game killers". Then, if common interests win out, develop the relationship.
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We are a couple who has been doing the hotwife/ cuckold thing for a while now. Over our several encounters, many have been mediocre and a few have been just plain terrible. Only one bull so far has been a steady, and even he has hang-ups that are unappealing. While this lifestyle can be fun and entertaining, it's a lot of work. Searching, meeting, planning around multiple schedules, and often the juice simply is not worth the squeeze.

Has anyone ever gone through a period of just not enjoying the lifestyle? Did you take a break and come back eventually? If you made it through, what did you do to resolve your issues? Has anyone just gave up and made it just a fantasy?
I think last yr things were better on this site. But this is what it is. No warranty you'll meet. I was lucky twice. but I'm a bit 'niche'. the more generic the more competition you get. And you just take it easy.
I totally agree with you , i/we have been doing the hotwife thing for 5 years. I’ve taken an 8 month break in that time. The search omg it suck and is an exorbitant amount of energy, get a good chat going and they chicken out for the meet or their just complete wankers and you would never meet them anyway, or they meet you but don’t know what a toothbrush or a dentist is. With all that being said I’ve met some really great guys too
If you go for ******* that's whta you get. Aim higher
Like any other relationship, it's going to be hit and miss. When you involve 3 people instead of 2 it's even more so. What are the ground rules, who likes what, is the communication there, is everybody on board etc...

I went through this for a long time years ago. I have met all of my current couples through word of mouth, friend of friends or through family members. The trust and rules were established early and once we were comfortable we extended to another couple. I spent time with the couples together and separately. The communication is there, the trust isn't violated and things just grew from there.

Just my 2 cents.

Good luck.

We are a couple who has been doing the hotwife/ cuckold thing for a while now. Over our several encounters, many have been mediocre and a few have been just plain terrible. Only one bull so far has been a steady, and even he has hang-ups that are unappealing. While this lifestyle can be fun and entertaining, it's a lot of work. Searching, meeting, planning around multiple schedules, and often the juice simply is not worth the squeeze.

Has anyone ever gone through a period of just not enjoying the lifestyle? Did you take a break and come back eventually? If you made it through, what did you do to resolve your issues? Has anyone just gave up and made it just a fantasy?

Other aspects of life have often caused periods of inactivity, some for as long as a year, but we obviously have returned. On the other hand, if there should ever be a time when we don’t, that will be ok as well.

However, never have we lost sight of the fact that our relationship is of much greater significance than anything another person could bring to this, so maintaining our bond is of prime concern for us. We agree that involving others should never, ever be an answer or soliton to some marital difficulty or problem, so if it doesn’t add to the US, then we aren’t interested.

Your point about the searching, meeting, planning and different schedules is well taken, especially where the planning and schedules are concerned. Last minute changes are a first class pain in the butt.

For us, the searching, planning and meeting all have strong sexual overtones and are part of the fun and excitement. The flirting and sexual innuendos are very rousing, even if there is no sexual contact with a given person, but when another man joins us sexually it is beyond simple arousal. It’s spine-tingling, mind-blowing, electric and any other adjective that you can think of.

We hope this answers your question. If not, I guess the short answer is this: if it was no longer fun, if the problems outweighed the pleasure, then we would stop. Good luck to you guys!!
Its often not easy because people (both couples & single, bull males) often don't wish to invest in the grooming of a relationship with those they plan to interact with. Its even more awkward than that "first date" in grade school. At least when we were young and going on a "first date" we already knew a little about who we were going on the date with. Except here, couples often skip over the socializing and bonding pre-requisites and go straight to the sex. If everyone is comfortable with it, fine ... but often someone feels a bit awkward of the instant "shake & bake" process.
I know I don't necessarily develop an "instantaneous erection" if a woman comes on to me with sexual intent. If "instantaneous" results is what you desire, possibly check out some of the Adult Lifestyle groups that are around.
My wife & I found, over the years, that 3-somes worked better for us, so we quit trying to arrange the couple swaps.
I would simply suggest you uncomplicate these meetings by allowing "common interest" to develop first, and identifying "game killers". Then, if common interests win out, develop the relationship.
What a thoughtful and sensible answer! Good on you;)
I totally agree with you , i/we have been doing the hotwife thing for 5 years. I’ve taken an 8 month break in that time. The search omg it suck and is an exorbitant amount of energy, get a good chat going and they chicken out for the meet or their just complete wankers and you would never meet them anyway, or they meet you but don’t know what a toothbrush or a dentist is. With all that being said I’ve met some really great guys too
With regard to dental issues it might be tougher to find people who qualify to your standards if vaping progressively becomes a phenomenon that more people participate in as well...

I will take your word on that. Not a dentist here but beside that evidence I found here I saw an exposé on that issue on a broadcast on the news last night too. Apparently there are young women who vape as well too? Would it make them lesbian? Either way, in either gender very quickly the enamel of their teeth breaks down and their gums erode. Vaping is nasty as it is addictive.

In this lifestyle be ready and able to accept quality over quantity. If you get into it expecting to have great sex every other week, or even every other month, then you are setting yourself up to be sadly disappointed. Go into it knowing what you want, and take the time to make sure that's what you're getting.

Slow down, and don't rush into the sex. I'm a big proponent of the initial meet and greet. Talk for a bit on the phone or by video. Meet socially and have a chat, especially if you are all local! No reason not to do this if you are serious. Maybe have something to eat or *******. And just relax and see if you like each other socially and can communicate. If all goes well, then meet again and fuck! Take the time to know what everyone wants, and what any limits are.

I plan to go to Splash Mocha for the first time next year. When I'm there, I will be happy if I meet just one couple where every thing goes like magic. Just one. And if I don't, then I don't. I have been to lifestyle events before where I ended up not having sex with anybody. Just didn't work. The vibe for that wasn't there. Or, maybe I just didn't see anybody I was attracted to. But, I still enjoyed being a part of the scene, met some new people, and had a lot of good conversation, some of it very funny and entertaining.

I think the saying about enjoying the journey while you seek to arrive at the destination is very applicable to this lifestyle. The other thing I would say to the single men is that it will really help you to cope with all of the frustrations found in swinging if you have another sexual outlet where you're not relying solely on this to receive your sexual satisfaction. It's best if the lifestyle is kind of a supplement to an already satisfactory sex life that you're living. So don't stop pursuing "normal" one-on-one encounters either.

Just a few of my thoughts to help people find more enjoyment from the swinging lifestyle.

Note: On my way to the dentist now :LOL:
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Hi all. I’ve been ****** to create a second profile on b2w due to some computer failure and password issues.
Sucks cuz I’ve lost a lot of connections. Feel free to reach out.


Sorry I know I’m repeating in multiple posts
We are a couple who has been doing the hotwife/ cuckold thing for a while now. Over our several encounters, many have been mediocre and a few have been just plain terrible. Only one bull so far has been a steady, and even he has hang-ups that are unappealing. While this lifestyle can be fun and entertaining, it's a lot of work. Searching, meeting, planning around multiple schedules, and often the juice simply is not worth the squeeze.

Has anyone ever gone through a period of just not enjoying the lifestyle? Did you take a break and come back eventually? If you made it through, what did you do to resolve your issues? Has anyone just gave up and made it just a fantasy?
You’re right it is a lot of work, that’s why we prefer the steady “BF” arrangement, even that’s a lot of work, just like any relationship. You need to consider all involved and make concessions demands and meet somewhere in the middle, but now there’s 3 people to consider, but we’re really happy with it and have never considered turning back
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