Dick Rates

Look gentelman. Everything is subjective. Is there a 10? maybe. perfection is near impossible so relax I have never given a 10. Closest was a 9.75 for one. My tatstes are different than others. You asked for a rating then get all ass hurt when I give my opinion and you bomb my box with hate mail. Get real. If you didnt want one womans subjective thoughts don't put your dick out here and ask for a rating. You may think I am a 4 on a 1-10 scale. Thats cool. Others may think 7 thats cool too. But don't blow my box up calling me names and acting the jerk. That is a 1 on a scale of being civil and rationale. What I like and find erotic in a dick is my opinion. For the most pasrt all are attractive but for a few to me. Some make me drool some make me goo ewww. So take or leave it. For the most part I see anything over a 5 as a win. 5 is plain average. 7 is above average. 8 and up is very very good to excellent in my book.