Covid-19 FAQS (with my opinion at the very end)

As an insurance auditor, I've seen so many deaths misattributed to COVID-19, it would make your head spin like Linda Blair. Simple flus or natural end of life suddenly becomes COVID when it comes time to sign the death certificates late at night by a newly minted Intern. Especially when it means big bucks from the Feds.

The naivety of my fellow man doesn't concern or surprise me, what intrigues me is how people of a certain mindset cling to notions such as masks, COVID, global warming, transgenderism, etc. It's very cultlike.
conspiracies ... what would the conservatives do WITHOUT conspiracies? The majority of conspiracies are created by them. Notice this election their lying TV ads include NO footnote sources to back their false TV information.
The "ass whupping" is going to be extremely enjoyable this election ... sooooo many sad, conservative faces yelling "fake election".
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conspiracies ... what would the conservatives do WITHOUT conspiracies? The majority of conspiracies are created by them. Notice this election their lying TV ads include NO footnote sources to back their false TV information.
The "ass whupping" is going to be extremely enjoyable this election ... sooooo many sad, conservative faces yelling "fake election".
Mila Kunis Lol GIF
conspiracies ... what would the conservatives do WITHOUT conspiracies? The majority of conspiracies are created by them. Notice this election their lying TV ads include NO footnote sources to back their false TV information.
The "ass whupping" is going to be extremely enjoyable this election ... sooooo many sad, conservative faces yelling "fake election".
The only thing that is sad is your willful ignorance. You're a grown man. DYOR and stop letting other people think for you.
The only thing that is sad is your willful ignorance. You're a grown man. DYOR and stop letting other people think for you.
pray tell, oh "master of research", what do you qualify as reliable research sources? Fox News? Newsmax? NY Post?
I think for myself quite frequently, unlike the drones under the Orange Man. You should try it, too.
Maybe U should consider doing as many conservatives are doing this election, "vote for the other party". 'Truth Social' is an oxymoron.
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That's incredibly inaccurate
The fact that you waste 'reading' time on a hate rag tells me, and any thinking person all we need to know about you. This site labeled the mass shooting in Buffalo a false flag operation. Garbage.
The fact that you waste 'reading' time on a hate rag tells me, and any thinking person all we need to know about you. This site labeled the mass shooting in Buffalo a false flag operation. Garbage.

Discrediting a website because of what one of it's thousands, perhaps millions of creators posted is like discrediting Facebook because of one post.

Your way of thinking tells me, and any thinking person all we need to know about you.

Discrediting a website because of what one of it's thousands, perhaps millions of creators posted is like discrediting Facebook because of one post.

Your way of thinking tells me, and any thinking person all we need to know about you.
It's not what one of it's 'thousands' of creators are posting, it's the theme and consistent misinformation that is allowed to sustain past the moderators that seems to benefit conspiracy theorists on the Right.

As far as it's love for hate speech, I know what I actually read on the site, but hey, don't take my assessment, I'll refer you to the Anti-Defamation League that's been rooting out Hate for about 110 years now. It's literally their expertise 👇:
Keep dancing for their approval.

It's not what one of it's 'thousands' of creators are posting, it's the theme and consistent misinformation that is allowed to sustain past the moderators that seems to benefit conspiracy theorists on the Right.

As far as it's love for hate speech, I know what I actually read on the site, but hey, don't take my assessment, I'll refer you to the Anti-Defamation League that's been rooting out Hate for about 110 years now. It's literally their expertise 👇:
Keep dancing for their approval.

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Since you hate Bitchute I guess you love YouTube? Let's talk about this

Do you even know what this so called "hate speech" really means? If you ask me, I heard a lot of actual hate speech on YouTube from people like Jimmy Kimmel and Tony Oliver when they were referring to "anti-vaxxers".

It has since come out publicly about the numerous injuries and death from these vaccines, but we hear no apology from these men, or even a mention about the deaths that were caused. You would think they would have something to say now since they had so much to say before.

Shouldn't this be considered misinformation? Why haven't the YouTube moderators banned their hate speech videos?

I would also like to remind you that videos on Bitchute have both a like and dislike button which shows the viewer the amount of likes vs dislikes. This is similar to looking at reviews for a product before purchasing. The viewer/shopper wants to know what others think to help them make up their mind to either reject or accept what is being offered. YouTube conveniently made the dislike count invisible during Covid. It's still invisible to this day! This is one of the best ways of promoting misinformation..
Since you hate Bitchute I guess you love YouTube? Let's talk about this

Do you even know what this so called "hate speech" really means? If you ask me, I heard a lot of actual hate speech on YouTube from people like Jimmy Kimmel and Tony Oliver when they were referring to "anti-vaxxers".

It has since come out publicly about the numerous injuries and death from these vaccines, but we hear no apology from these men, or even a mention about the deaths that were caused. You would think they would have something to say now since they had so much to say before.

Shouldn't this be considered misinformation? Why haven't the YouTube moderators banned their hate speech videos?

I would also like to remind you that videos on Bitchute have both a like and dislike button which shows the viewer the amount of likes vs dislikes. This is similar to looking at reviews for a product before purchasing. The viewer/shopper wants to know what others think to help them make up their mind to either reject or accept what is being offered. YouTube conveniently made the dislike count invisible during Covid. It's still invisible to this day! This is one of the best ways of promoting misinformation..
Ole Ed and a few others are only here to push B.S. They only hit certain topics and spew horseshit...Then cry when you dislike what they post or give them a thumbs down...No one in there right mind would get a vaccine that is causing more harm then good...period...When one is in control of there happiness, health and well-being it does not matter what others think...Just listen and look at this un-healthy Ivy league Doctor pandering about Covid...These people are a death cult with an agenda to continue Bad Medicine...So that you become a life long patient or worse...Follow the money and look at who is making these claims...It´s not Rocket Science...Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League research university in Hanover, New Hampshire. Established in 1769...Notice that the comments have been shut off...Now what country is this? 🇺🇸💉🤑🤡

COVID-19 vaccine
Learn about vaccine progress from the WHO

Since you hate Bitchute I guess you love YouTube? Let's talk about this
So you concluded I 'hate' a website?
What I presented was, that website swims in hate speech - racial and anti-Semetic focused - and can't be trusted a fact/science based site.

I presented the finding from the ADL which has been legit in calling out true haters and dangers to equality since about 1913.

Instead of addressing that, you want to switch to YouTube? I don't give two shits about YouTube and would NEVER hold it up alone as a fact-based source - Like you did with BitChute.

That's the difference and it's why there is no correlation. Unless you see me using it for a source. You don't make sense - but I'll play along.

Do you even know what this so called "hate speech" really means? If you ask me, I heard a lot of actual hate speech on YouTube from people like Jimmy Kimmel and Tony Oliver when they were referring to "anti-vaxxers".
Are you black? No one is asking you, of have to ask you what it means since there is a definition that is part of US Code (Law). There is a specific definition and crime around hate. It applies to special classes of the population, also defined in law.

Anti-vaxxers are not a special class. You are not born an anti-vaxxers. It's a political belief. A choice, you made. So you don't get to water down real hate issues for your wacky politics.
The exception is, if it was against your religious belief like a Christian 'Scientist', or a Jehovah's Witness.

It has since come out publicly about the numerous injuries and death from these vaccines, but we hear no apology from these men, or even a mention about the deaths that were caused. You would think they would have something to say now since they had so much to say before.
Give me ten incidents, so we lessen the chance of outliers.

Shouldn't this be considered misinformation? Why haven't the YouTube moderators banned their hate speech videos?
Is tying the vaccine to numerous deaths misinformation? Yes, it is. 100%.
None of it's hate speech.

This is you arguing with yourself. YOU redefined hate speech, YOU applied it to anti-vax nutcases, and now YOU want YouTube prosecuted for hate speech as YOU defined it. Ignoring it's already established a definition in the law.

I would also like to remind you that videos on Bitchute have both a like and dislike button which shows the viewer the amount of likes vs dislikes. This is similar to looking at reviews for a product before purchasing. The viewer/shopper wants to know what others think to help them make up their mind to either reject or accept what is being offered. YouTube conveniently made the dislike count invisible during Covid. It's still invisible to this day! This is one of the best ways of promoting misinformation..
BitChute swims in misinformation - kind of like you used to support your position that Chemtrails are a thing.
The site attracts conspiracy theorists, and hate groups seeking support for their whacked out positions.
YouTube has it's problems in the comment section with how everything becomes racist, but, white guys gonna white guy.
Ole Ed and a few others are only here to push B.S. They only hit certain topics and spew horseshit...Then cry when you dislike what they post or give them a thumbs down...No one in there right mind would get a vaccine that is causing more harm then good...period...When one is in control of there happiness, health and well-being it does not matter what others think...Just listen and look at this un-healthy Ivy league Doctor pandering about Covid...These people are a death cult with an agenda to continue Bad Medicine...So that you become a life long patient or worse...Follow the money and look at who is making these claims...It´s not Rocket Science...Dartmouth College is a private Ivy League research university in Hanover, New Hampshire. Established in 1769...Notice that the comments have been shut off...Now what country is this? 🇺🇸💉🤑🤡

COVID-19 vaccine
Learn about vaccine progress from the WHO
People, when leaving here and returning to your normal lives, ask yourself, would you want your young ones to be as worthless as the above 55 year old expat who doesn't read and can't comprehend normal social cues? Sits around all day stealing and reposting internet pics while trying to pump up an erection.
No, of course not.
LeBain, you're LeBoring. Buzz Off
Scamdemic and Plandemic. Even with no facts left on their side, the desperate mindless hoard cling on to their fear and continue to spread hate speech against "anti-vaxxers" and cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIsTs
Little bit of a Covid Info Dump plus more... The last video in the Covid part is the most informative and gives a comprehensive history on how all this crap started. Its 20mins long but very very well worth the time to watch/listen too. Some one Monkey Pox and Avian flu.

Doc finds plasmid DNA in each batch of vaccine.

A good overview of covid

FDA is now at a crossroads.

Johns Hopkins University professor

Story of Pfizer

**The most important video to watch on covid.** Please take the time and watch this video. It is time well spent and I promise you will not be disappointed. This will lead to Justice served. Watch and Share!

European Parliament International Covid Summit III in Brussels on May 3, 2023.
Summit in Brussles Vid/Site👇

Rumble Link:

Another EU parlement vid that's related to the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Meryl says the quiet part out loud for the WHO.


**Ukraine Biolabs - Monkeypox Origin**

**2010 Biolabs in Ukraine**

**Ukraine worked on development of biological weapons near Russian borders - statement**

**Nuland admitting to biolabs**

**After months of denial, U.S. admits to running Ukraine biolabs**


**US Policy**

**Monkey Pox Escapes Ukrainian Biolabs**

**WHO advised them to destroy pathogens**

**Another one on the WHO advising destruction**

**Lab leaks are common**

**U-S-created biolabs in Ukraine for weapons programs**

smallpox research at US-run Ukraine biolabs


**Avian Flu**

Avian Flu Gain of Function Funding Docs:
-PDF link -

Avian Flu Gain of Function Experiments Hub

The PPDF's Gain of Functions Funding Experiment

-Pfized Vaccine Fact Sheets Over Time.👇
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