Composition of my Inbox🙄


Real Person
Gold Member
99% Fantasy Online Stupidity
1% Genuine offers willing to create an opportunity to meet

Im beginning to think putting Fakes/Flakes on the defensive and banishing them into Ghost-Silence mode is more fun than meeting actual singles and couples.

Once, just once I'd like to hear from a fantasy-daydreamer-cuck, what exactly they hope to achieve by contact me (in which case they soon discover I'm a huge fan of Block/delete).

Any takers as to explain why wanna-be cucks attempt wasting a Bulls' time?
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99% Fantasy Online Stupidity
1% Genuine offers willing to create an opportunity to meet

Im beginning to think putting Fakes/Flakes on the defensive and banishing them into Ghost-Silence mode is more fun than meeting actual singles and couples.

Once, just once I'd like to hear from a fantasy-daydreamer-cuck, what exactly they hope to achieve by contact me (in which case they soon discover I'm a huge fan of Block/delete).

Any takers as to explain why wanna-be cucks attempt wasting a Bulls' time?
I agree with you, but I want to add a thought.
From that 99% someone occasionally breaks away and enters the 1%. To find gold you have to collect a lot of sand.
Plus that 99% helps pay for the site.
So you Bulls have a little patience and forgive the stupidest cuckolds ;) :p
I agree with you, but I want to add a thought.
From that 99% someone occasionally breaks away and enters the 1%. To find gold you have to collect a lot of sand.
Plus that 99% helps pay for the site.
So you Bulls have a little patience and forgive the stupidest cuckolds ;) :p
I know the general "why" of the hoping for attention within my inbox. I guess its more of the diveestment of self to a Counselor/ Priest. Id like to "understand" best as I can. Thats what i get for being a cerebral Bull🤣

Human interactions intrigue me, they really do. Id like to understand this from the other perspective. 🤷🏿‍♂️