College Coupling

I thought the point of going to college was to have tons of sex and party. I had to share a dorm room the first year but my roommate ended up being really cool and we actually got an apartment together following that year.
Most college students share your outlooks. College dorms and apartments are traditionally hotbeds of sexual activity. As a long-tenured professor, I am well aware of some of what goes on sexually. I think it's a great opportunity for students to experiment and explore their sexuality.
Most college students share your outlooks. College dorms and apartments are traditionally hotbeds of sexual activity. As a long-tenured professor, I am well aware of some of what goes on sexually. I think it's a great opportunity for students to experiment and explore their sexuality.
Oh I was super worried because the college I went to you had to stay in the dorms your freshman year and you could not pick your roommate. One was assigned to you in an attempt to encourage you to be outgoing. I thought it was going to be worse than living with my parents because at least there I had my own room. In a dorm room everything was open. It was a little tense for like the first week and then the whole building was having a huge party and both of us had been drinking so we actually started talking and realized we had had the same fears and wanted some of the same freedoms. We set up some rules and ways we could each have the room and became good friends.
Oh I was super worried because the college I went to you had to stay in the dorms your freshman year and you could not pick your roommate. One was assigned to you in an attempt to encourage you to be outgoing. I thought it was going to be worse than living with my parents because at least there I had my own room. In a dorm room everything was open. It was a little tense for like the first week and then the whole building was having a huge party and both of us had been drinking so we actually started talking and realized we had had the same fears and wanted some of the same freedoms. We set up some rules and ways we could each have the room and became good friends.
That's how it should work. You and the other young lady made the best of your opportunities.
We really did but that breaking the ice part is the hardest step especially since usually saying hey I want to explore my slutty side while I am hear so just to let you know isn't too much of a usual opening.
LOL, you are right about that. One must tread softly. That's why many women in the lifestyle don't know that their friends or relatives are in it too. No one wants to bring up the subject or be the first to admit that lifestyle.
LOL, you are right about that. One must tread softly. That's why many women in the lifestyle don't know that their friends or relatives are in it too. No one wants to bring up the subject or be the first to admit that lifestyle.
Well we began to party at the same places and hang out with the same people a lot so kind of a giveaway there.
I thought the point of going to college was to have tons of sex and party. I had to share a dorm room the first year but my roommate ended up being really cool and we actually got an apartment together following that year.

I went to university to earn degrees so that I could be competitive in the job market. I guess that’s why I never got any white pussy while a college student ha! That and the fact that I was in the south where most white college coeds still weren’t black fucking. Well I sure the hell made up for my “deficit” after I finished and moved away from the south LOL! Ain’t never stopped and ain’t never looked back.
It is genetic, or instinctual (as another person on here put it). White men who would not consider sex with other white men offer themselves to black men in acknowledgement of our strength and superiority. Indeed, you comments point out a second area of collegiate interracial sex: many whitebois enjoy serving also.
i do believe it is genetic instinct and its wonderful. Black Men are so much more masculine and superior than any white male.
They deserve. I’ve known lots of girls who’d only dated white guys who admitted to sending nudes or offers to a Black athlete
Photos, be damned. I went one better. I took my beautiful 19 year-old black buddy, my secret homosexual lover since he was 17, home to my wife where I eagerly guided his awesome uncut cock into her on our marriage bed. From that night forth he never lived at his student digs again but with my wife and me in a superbly sexy menage-a-trios which continues to this day. Within two years I willingly divorced my wife so she could marry my buddy who has fathered three perfect babies for her, as against my zero.

His vast superority in physique and every cock-dimension and as my ex's stamina-filled lover compared to me is an incredible and enduring sexual turn-on for me as well as my besotted ex both in bed and in the ordinary run of our daily lives.

Those athletic black college boys really do have it all.
Most go black earlier now, around 14, 15, 16. Those whose parents are more conservative and restrictive often have to wait until they are away at college to get blacked, so around 18 or 19.
This is becoming obvious in my generation (Gen Z). Many of the hottest white girls on my uni campus are Black Only and openly dismissive of whitebois.

Especially on their social media, white girls will refer to us derisively as "little whitebois" and they will post pics of chastity dicklet locks to mock us. They are also starting to call all whitebois "sissies" as if it's only a matter of time before we feminize.
This is becoming obvious in my generation (Gen Z). Many of the hottest white girls on my uni campus are Black Only and openly dismissive of whitebois.

Especially on their social media, white girls will refer to us derisively as "little whitebois" and they will post pics of chastity dicklet locks to mock us. They are also starting to call all whitebois "sissies" as if it's only a matter of time before we feminize.
I can confirm this is partially true lol