Whether someone uses the term "big" or "small" actually depends on who you ask. For certain individuals it will be enormous, for some it will be inside normal. The vast majority of the respectable data online puts the typical penis at around 5.5 inches (perhaps with a half inch of variety). Presently, that is obviously normal. On the off chance that you expect anything above or less than ideal is enormous or little individually, then, at that point, 7 inches would be huge.

In any case, it is critical to see likewise that there is many sizes. for penis size. A few men have a micropenis <3 inches and a few exceptionally uncommon men are blessed in the 11-12 inch range.

Anything beyond that is probably a lie. Obviously, close to a 3 inch a 7 inch is colossal, close to at 11 inch is little.

It's not the arrow, it's the hunter.
I'm a small 5 inches, but very thick. So I barely scrape into the "enjoyable" category.
My wife has fucked 16 men, and only 2-3 had smaller cocks than me.