Cheating white women

The most heart pounding exciting sex a married wife can experience is all alone with another man she’s very attracted too unprotected no pulling out while her husband is at work completely unaware
…but he has told her if the opportunity is there she definitely has his acceptance and privacy to enjoy the experience without him ever knowing .
The number of women cheating has surpassed the men. There are multiple reasons why cheating among women has become so prolific.
1. Multiple forms of effective birth control are easily available and affordable today.
2. Women have attained higher education and economic independence which enables them to free themselves from men
3. Women are less likely to be satisfied with their mate. Sexual satisfaction has become more important among women now that they have ability to be personally independent.
4. Women initiate 78% of all divorces in the U.S. showing that they are more inclined toward independence than ever before.
5. Internet porn has made it easy for women to see what may be available and they have become big consumers of it. Women just are not willing to settle any more.
6. Sexual aggression among women has become more acceptable and common in the interest of getting what they want
I agree with all of that, but, it is much easier to talk a man into bed than a woman. Face, we're usually not picky and we're easy.
Discovering your wife is cheating on you, opens the gates to a flood of overwhelming emotions that is hard to deal with, let alone when she's the type of woman you'd never suspected on being such a slut. It usually takes a while for a clueless husband to put together the pieces and accept the overwhelming facts, but eventually a day of stop being denial comes, and this is exactly when the pain of betrayal hits you like a ton of bricks in the head. The feeling of the emotional rollercoaster is something I know first-hand, as I've been cheated multiple times in my life, on different relationships in the past. Therefore, I know well how it feels to be heartbroken and rejected as a man, realizing again and again that my loving, caring, loyal and respectful nature is not quite enough for a woman's happiness. Just like you, life showed me in a cruel way, that women might value these traits when it comes to husband material, but still, they can't help themselves from being sexually attracted by dominant alpha-males that are confident, arrogant, and know how to use their raw masculinity and big egos. Depending your sexual performance, your wealth and the lifestyle you're able to offer to your wife, this is a war you sometimes win, but occasionally you'll lose too. Soon, you start realizing that fighting is not only traumatically stressful but also pointless, therefore the only option you truly have, is to embrace your beta-male nature and find your role in today's new order reality that define us as obedient servants or horny bystanders to our wives' extramarital adventures, whatever that means for someone's ethics and sexual limits.

I'm curious if other cheated husbands feel the same about this, but the fact you're on this forum, sharing the bittersweet experience of being married with a cheating whore who ended up pregnant by her BBC and dumped you for him, shows nothing but acceptance. It's funny how a cuckold's brain reacts when you become conscious of losing your other half over an alpha-male with a massive cock, who happens to be black, young and muscular! When the rage is over, and the infidelity is registered over our wicked braincells, there is an ******* effort to justify cheating, take full responsibility and desperately adopt the pathetic role we always meant to have in our woman's life by discreetly agreeing to serve her, giving her the freedom to explore her sexuality with other men. Apparently, that wasn't the case with you, but next time you have suspicions on your partner, it may worth playing your cuckold card right. ;) :sex:
I didn't have a "first wife", but I did have a GF who cheated on me. Pain, anger, revenge all went through my mind. I eventually moved on and married a beautiful, wonderful woman. By all accounts, I should be happy. I am, but I often fantasize about her stepping out and cheating on me. I know it's wrong, but, I can't shake it. Maybe I was born for this.