Celebrating Obama's Win

Since I can't read Torp's comments, I don't know what Torp said, but I was being sarcastic of BigWht's comment of MSNBC. Of course its a left leaning program, but no more left leaning than Fox is right leaning. And you say "one study concludes that Fox is more balanced than MSNBC; what was THAT source. ;)

Lawrence O'Donnel is an admitted socialist, moron. Fox even has Democrat schills like Shepherd Smith, MSNBC is pretty much as far left as you can go, and they are as anti-white as the left can be without losing the rest of the white working class.
Yeah, we need a lot more reliable media sources like .....View attachment 619061 ...........View attachment 619062 hahahaha

As opposed to more reliable mainstream media- you know, like Dan Rather and CBS, who didn't run with the "George W Bush is a draft dodger" story with faked documents, like NBC, who didn't edit and splice the George Zimmerman 911 call to make it look like he was racially targeting Trayvon Martin, like Brian Ross and ABC who didn't run with the story that the Aurora, CO theater shooter was a member of the Tea Party, like CNN, who didn't accuse the US military of using sarin gas on desserters during the Vietnam War during Operation Tailwind, and MSNBC, who didn't insinuate that conservatives hated biracial families a few days before the biracial family Cheerios Super Bowl commercial last year.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and a host of major newspapers, but of course, Fox News is the problem. I know you said your ******* was pastor Mac, though I don't remember which denomination, so I know you are pretty conversant when it comes to the Bible, so I will leave you with Matthew 7:3

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Or John 8:7

"....let he among you who has no sins cast the first stone."
As opposed to more reliable mainstream media- you know, like Dan Rather and CBS, who didn't run with the "George W Bush is a draft dodger" story with faked documents, like NBC, who didn't edit and splice the George Zimmerman 911 call to make it look like he was racially targeting Trayvon Martin, like Brian Ross and ABC who didn't run with the story that the Aurora, CO theater shooter was a member of the Tea Party, like CNN, who didn't accuse the US military of using sarin gas on desserters during the Vietnam War during Operation Tailwind, and MSNBC, who didn't insinuate that conservatives hated biracial families a few days before the biracial family Cheerios Super Bowl commercial last year.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and a host of major newspapers, but of course, Fox News is the problem. I know you said your ******* was pastor Mac, though I don't remember which denomination, so I know you are pretty conversant when it comes to the Bible, so I will leave you with Matthew 7:3

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Or John 8:7

"....let he among you who has no sins cast the first stone."
Debating Mac is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. He is amazingly myopic in his views. And amazingly uninformed. The one thing that does cause me concern is I often wonder how many of the voters are like him. ;)
As I said in post #570, I was being sarcastic.
I have a good friend that has been a police officer for a ridiculous number of years. He told me that invariably when he went to a domestic violence call and one of the parties was being being verbally abusive he would be told by the abuser that they were "Just kidding" or "Being sarcastic". It was abuse when they could get away with it then it was just a joke when they couldn't.