
When your husband had agreed to take in a student from Nigeria as part of your church's student cultural exchange program, you were not keen on the idea. But now, the thought of next year's exchange with Kenya made you tingle, and you couldn't help wondering if your ******* was enjoying her stay in Nigeria.

When your husband had agreed to take in a student from Nigeria as part of your church's student cultural exchange program, you were not keen on the idea. But now, the thought of next year's exchange with Kenya made you tingle, and you couldn't help wondering if your ******* was enjoying her stay in Nigeria.

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Perfect thought for “moms you’d never suspect“ with the added spice of thinking about her da ug hter in the same way
You had been horrified at the prospect of being selected to join the church's student cultural exchange program to Nigeria. I'll miss my boyfriend and all my college friends. You had told them. Nonsense they had replied, it will be good for your education to interact with other cultures, and you will soon make new friends. How right her parents were. It was amazing how popular she had become in such a short space of time.

You had been horrified at the prospect of being selected to join the church's student cultural exchange program to Nigeria. I'll miss my boyfriend and all my college friends. You had told them. Nonsense they had replied, it will be good for your education to interact with other cultures, and you will soon make new friends. How right her parents were. It was amazing how popular she had become in such a short space of time.

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