I believe the stronger men, Alpha males, must impregnate our wives to insure a stronger and longer lasting species. It is our duty as cuckolds, to offer our wives to the Alpha males to impregnate and to then raise the Alpha males and our wives babies the best we can. We should not concern ourselves with details like what is the Alpha male's name, does he care at all about our wives and the babies he will have with our wives, the fact that the alpha male and our wives enjoy humiliating and degrading us for their enjoyment, the fact that the Alpha male has impregnated many other females besides our wives, etc. It is our duty to provide whatever our wives need, except for sperm, since our sperm is inferior, and to raise the Alpha male's and our wife's babies the best we can.
We should remember to thank every Alpha male that impregnates, or even attempts to impregnate our wives, since they will be insuring the propagation of our species.