can a blk man remain straight after a hubby sucks his cock

why does it matter? you either like it or you don't and if you're on the fence you should take the time to know yourself so other's opinion don't matter
I agree with you, if you are a bull and like to be sucked by a white man, if you are a white man and like to suck a black bull! It's your right, be happy and fuck other people's opinions!

I didn't have the opportunity but I would suck a black dick, even more so if I was tamed and made to suck, I think black dicks are beautiful, the black balls are beautiful, the color, the shine, the feeling of power and even so, I love pussy, I love women!

People are not 0 and 1, we can be whatever we want to be to be happy!

Don't get caught up in labels, get caught up in being happy!
It's not as simple as preferences - gay/straight. It has to do with dominance. Studies have shown that the process of dominating a rival male will cause the winning male to produce more testosterone. Men are hard-wired to continuously demonstrate their dominance over potential procreative rivals. You could argue that a male that can dominate another male in this way is potentially MORE virile than one that can't get it up to put a beta in its place.
Cucking is weird this way many stories and cucks I've talked to will fluff clean bull all that stuff with the wife's prompting but out of that situation they don't find males of any type attractive and would not engage in any of that outside of the wife's demand.

Gay/bi acts for sure but that situation is necessary so if you need a term is it -

I'm a fo r c e bi? 🤣🤣🤣

Never done those acts personally but never thought of that situation in a straight up term for the cuck 🤷🏼‍♂️
the boondocks GIF
No matter what you call it thousands of years ago or today, cuckold lifestyle or not, if a man lets another man suck his dick, he's definitely not straight. That may have been true in ancient societies, but in the 21st century, you can't call yourself straight. By the way, sex is not just about power, it also has to deal a lot with feelings and emotions. Thats why most people love it, because it feels good!
Interesting contradictory statements sex is about power but also about emotions. So if a person enjoys physical pleasure from the same sex that makes them not straight, even if they have ZERO emotional attraction.
If a man went and got a massage by a male is he gay?

If a man went to a male doctor and had a prostate massage does that make him not straight?
What if I got a male gets a colonoscopy for. A male doctor they do a digital rectal exam...

It seems to me that gay or straight is more that just a physical act.

If you were in a dark room with men and women and someone sucks your dick by you don't know who, what does that make you?

Lucky.. if it's good?
can a blk man remain and be considered straight if he lets a hubby suck his cock or clean it after he fucks his wife or gf
If a heterosexual man engages in a homosexual act then that's what he's done.
If a homosexual man engages in a heterosexual act then that's what he's done.
If a bisexual man engages in either then that's what he's done.
The acts themselves are only one part of the equation.
What motivates you to act and what's going on in your head while you're doing it.
I think is more significant.
Only the individual knows those facts.
Labels are just a convenience for the masses.
You should define what you are for yourself.
If one of those labels gives you comfort... Then have at it.
However you already know what you are 😉.