Have you ever fucked a wife with her husband right underneath? How does it feel having your balls resting/slapping another man’s face? I think that’s the biggest form of establishing power and dominance. “I’m fucking the love of your life and my balls are on your forehead” pretty much.
Dependent on the couple-my favorite position!!! Fucking her doggystyle and have her tell him to slide under and lick her clit is mindblowing….and yes, I've collaborated with wives because she wanted to see him suck one, or he's a little bitch. Then I whisper to her to pull me out and stick it in his mouth.
We ALL know there are tons of guys with gay or bi intents and varying degrees of honesty concerning there lifestyle place. "Can I suck your dick?" NO interest unless you do it in front of her....but, yes I've agreed to meeting them this way so "it wasn't his fault...."
The best is when you've totally unloaded in her and her Nirvana inspires her to just sit up and straddle his face and grind; it's not as powerful if it's his desire.....her passion rocks the room!!!!