Built for bbc

Ok moving to the babycock thread (if such a thing exists) because looking at flabby assholes or close-up pics of "dick in hairy pussy" is boring as hell and doesn't help the fantasy in any way.

About racism. Those are just my thoughts. I'm not encouraging anyone to follow. But in the 21st century, not using spell check, which is even in iron..... man.
First of all this is a chat thread not a Master’s thesis. There are grammatical errors but this is only casual conversation. There are drastic differences in dialect even within the US. Different slang pronunciation and meaning for the same words. Just because someone speaks differently than you doesn’t make them dumb. You could have just addressed his statement and kept it moving. You shifted the conversation to prejudice and racism on a site meant for people of different skintones and cultures to come together and have a good time. That’s not only wrong but gives others insight on your true thoughts and personality. I usually mind my business but this was egregious so I had to speak my mind.