
Does anyone else have the urge to be bred. I'm not sure I could do it but the thought of carrying a black baby excites me.
The link below is to a PowerPoint (!!) Presentation I put together a few weeks before I introduced my 19 year-old bisexual black best buddy and lover to my childless wife. I have given ongoing story of him and her, pretty up-to-date albeit somewhat piecemeal, in my manyother posts on this forum.

My wife loved it!!

The Presentation I've compiled and captioned portrays another white husband making a first wedding anniversay gift in the form of a very powerful and plainly fertile young black, to his beautiful blond wife on their marriage bed.

The image sequence speaks for itself. The opening penetration of the wife by her young black lover is not shown at all but is left to the viewer to imagine as hotly as desired. The same applies to the thrustings of the cock of the young black and to his ejaculating into the wife.

The husband's role as the instigator and encourager of the black-breeding of his wife is very deftly and erotically shown.

All in all, perhaps because I insigated the black-breeding of my own wife by my brautiful black buddy, I find the presentation as hot as the mouth of Hell

Here's the link to the file, "Her Wedding Anniversary Present".

The link below is to a PowerPoint (!!) Presentation I put together a few weeks before I introduced my 19 year-old bisexual black best buddy and lover to my childless wife. I have given ongoing story of him and her, pretty up-to-date albeit somewhat piecemeal, in my manyother posts on this forum.

My wife loved it!!

The Presentation I've compiled and captioned portrays another white husband making a first wedding anniversay gift in the form of a very powerful and plainly fertile young black, to his beautiful blond wife on their marriage bed.

The image sequence speaks for itself. The opening penetration of the wife by her young black lover is not shown at all but is left to the viewer to imagine as hotly as desired. The same applies to the thrustings of the cock of the young black and to his ejaculating into the wife.

The husband's role as the instigator and encourager of the black-breeding of his wife is very deftly and erotically shown.

All in all, perhaps because I insigated the black-breeding of my own wife by my brautiful black buddy, I find the presentation as hot as the mouth of Hell

Here's the link to the file, "Her Wedding Anniversary Present".

"Preg You"?
The link below is to a PowerPoint (!!) Presentation I put together a few weeks before I introduced my 19 year-old bisexual black best buddy and lover to my childless wife. I have given ongoing story of him and her, pretty up-to-date albeit somewhat piecemeal, in my manyother posts on this forum.

My wife loved it!!

The Presentation I've compiled and captioned portrays another white husband making a first wedding anniversay gift in the form of a very powerful and plainly fertile young black, to his beautiful blond wife on their marriage bed.

The image sequence speaks for itself. The opening penetration of the wife by her young black lover is not shown at all but is left to the viewer to imagine as hotly as desired. The same applies to the thrustings of the cock of the young black and to his ejaculating into the wife.

The husband's role as the instigator and encourager of the black-breeding of his wife is very deftly and erotically shown.

All in all, perhaps because I insigated the black-breeding of my own wife by my brautiful black buddy, I find the presentation as hot as the mouth of Hell

Here's the link to the file, "Her Wedding Anniversary Present".

I have only just noticed the husband's hand intruding on the far left of the first frame "The Man of Her Dreams".

His hand, for me, signifies his giving of his wife to the young black, and is a very erotic counterpart to the fellating wife's hand eagerly clasping her lover's beautifully strong-looking erection.
There was a guy who used to come here and made sure his wife was bred. Which she was. Last I chatted with him, he told me he was horrified at the choices he and his wife made. It was not a good outcome for them and their family relations.!! As I sometimes idly fantasize my beautiful buddy will when he gets to top me as he occasionally still does.

Life's too short to be small.

I mean, why should our wives be the only ones to live out their fantasies?
I have just never heard that term before. LOL
I have just never heard that term before. LOL
You mean "Preg You?" as spoken by an eager husband to his wife in the arms of her physically and genetically superior younger lover?

Well, I have.......out of my own mouth in repeated whispers on the countless occasions my best black buddy was bare-backing my wife slap-bang in the middle of her fertile time with me lying beside them on our marriage bed.

He of course overheard me and responded by redoubling the depth and vigor of his thrusting.

At my whispered encouragement my wife opened herself totally to him with the result that he impregnated her every time. That's three times so far.
Well as long as you aren't gettin' slammed with support payments. I let these white girls get into my britches, but I'll be damned if I will let them get their hands into my bank accounts!

I don't have any babies with any of 'um. One tried to get me, one tried to get me though! White girl tried to say I was the daddy! Another Minnesota white girl. Top-of-the-line FINE blonde & blue, Norwegian roots, grade A, quality white stock for black seed.

I had been going bareback in her, but was always careful to pull out and never nut in her. Was tempting, but controlled myself. She would tell me before we got started to pull out, but in the heat of the moment when I was smashing that cervix she would grab at my black ass trying to pull me deeper into her to catch that black sperm (and she already had a black baby).

Anyway, I got tired of her high maintenance ******* and broke up with her. Then here she comes calling me up months later talking about she had a baby, insinuating it was mine! Then she got quiet so I could hear the baby crying in the background . . . to prove it was true . . . and trying to fuck with my mind!

So I lowered my voice and says . . . I says . . . "You know I never came in you"! I said it kind of in a low, mean growl, and her ass got quiet again. I knew damn well I wasn't that baby's daddy, and one reason I broke up with her, among many, was that she was just too much of a SLUT for black men, and I suspected she was fucking at least one other black guy, and that the baby was probably his. I never "nutted" in her one time. Not once!

Rather than sit back and get played, I decided to go on offense and got a lawyer and demanded paternity testing. If it was mine, OK I am going to deal with the situation. But if not, then get the hell out of my life! Did the testing, and sure enough the results came back that there was ZERO percent chance the baby was mine! I took a vacation to Mexico 😁

So later, I come getting a letter in the mail where she calls me an asshole and she would take a ******* on my grave and blah, blah, blah. Yeah? Well, I STILL AIN'T THAT BABY'S DADDY 👍🏽😛😆 White girl tried to trap me. I took her ass down. Got a lawyer and took her ass downtown.

So, as I say, I'm still free to leave at anytime . . . white chick tried to fuck with me when she KNEW the baby belonged to that other LOSER of a negro she was fuckin', but was gonna try to pin it on me 🤬 I went on offense and took her ass downtown!

But in the process, I lost the white girl I was seeing at the time. The whole thing scared her away. We had been going out for several months when I got "the call". She was probably thinking oh man this guy has got a baby with this other white girl. This could get messy. And so she kinda disappeared on me. Hooked up later just as friends. She had started seeing somebody else, also black. Oh well . . . as long as I wasn't that baby daddy 😉
Bro you are lucky! well that ends well
Bro you are lucky! well that ends well
You mean you NEVER nutted in her----not even once??

Fuck DANG! You must have incredible control man! I can well imagine you thrusting balls-deep in her and battering (!) her cervix. But then not to nut in her is damn well superhuman. Pretty well inconceivable.

Since I turned 20 I haven't worn a condom even once in any of the many thousands of fucks I've engaged in. Once I'm building to orgasm there's just no way I'm going to forego pumping my whole load into the very back of that vagina. Ever. Not matter if or how much I distrust the woman or how loudly she begs me to pull out or how much she fights to push me off her.

My pleasure comes first. Always. An orgasm without me ejaculating very hard and completely and at maximum depth in my woman is for me no orgasm at all.

In my teens I very quickly discovered that the deliciousness of my whole-body orgasmic convulsions and the mindblowing genital and pelvic pleasure I got from nutting balls-deep in my girlfriends were both totally essential to my sanity, and horribly blunted by withdrawing to ejaculate.

From that time on, interrupting a full-on fuck to ejaculate anywhere except hard up against the back wall of the vagina or into the mouth of the woman's fucked-open cervix, was for me a such pleasure-blunting, self-denying and grossly unnatural way of finishing a fuck that I pulled out on only two occasions---both of them when I was 17---when orgasming with a woman.

But each to his own.
You mean you NEVER nutted in her----not even once??

Fuck DANG! You must have incredible control man! I can well imagine you thrusting balls-deep in her and battering (!) her cervix. But then not to nut in her is damn well superhuman. Pretty well inconceivable.

Since I turned 20 I haven't worn a condom even once in any of the many thousands of fucks I've engaged in. Once I'm building to orgasm there's just no way I'm going to forego pumping my whole load into the very back of that vagina. Ever. Not matter if or how much I distrust the woman or how loudly she begs me to pull out or how much she fights to push me off her.

My pleasure comes first. Always. An orgasm without me ejaculating very hard and completely and at maximum depth in my woman is for me no orgasm at all.

In my teens I very quickly discovered that the deliciousness of my whole-body orgasmic convulsions and the mindblowing genital and pelvic pleasure I got from nutting balls-deep in my girlfriends were both totally essential to my sanity, and horribly blunted by withdrawing to ejaculate.

From that time on, interrupting a full-on fuck to ejaculate anywhere except hard up against the back wall of the vagina or into the mouth of the woman's fucked-open cervix, was for me a such pleasure-blunting, self-denying and grossly unnatural way of finishing a fuck that I pulled out on only two occasions---both of them when I was 17---when orgasming with a woman.

But each to his own.
there are women for fucking and there are women for relationships and these are different women.
there are women for fucking and there are women for relationships and these are different women.
Well, call me a hopeless romantic if you want to, I have always had sex with women of your latter category only: never your first.

Clearly the categories are crucially different for such men as, for whatever reason, distinguish between them and from time-to-time just want to indulge in blind fucking.

For my part, in every fuck I have, healthy lusting combines with deep caring for my woman's pleasure, and usually a romantic motivation. Without those three elements a fuck, no matter how impulsive or brief, completely fails to thrill and satisfy me: and that of course also applies to almost every woman of the category (the second one you distinguish) that I fuck exclusively.
there are women for fucking and there are women for relationships and these are different women.
You're right ... women for relationships are usually called - spouses or wives
....................... ... and women for fucking are usually called - bitches or sluts

Afterall, PUSSY is the International Language.
If anyone tells my wife I said THIS, I'll deny EVERYTHING!
You're right ... women for relationships are usually called - spouses or wives
....................... ... and women for fucking are usually called - bitches or sluts

Afterall, PUSSY is the International Language.
in our case, someone's wife, someone's whore. on the other hand, you also need to understand that in this topic, black guys act as live sexigrushki allowing you to realize someone's fetish.

If anyone tells my wife I said THIS, I'll deny EVERYTHING!
in our case, someone's wife, someone's whore. on the other hand, you also need to understand that in this topic, black guys act as live sex toys allowing you to realize someone's fetish.
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