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BNWO: non sexual Code of Conduct for whites to Black People

Black People have their expectations of the behavior of whites. The following code of conduct should be memorized by whites. Code of Conduct for all whites to follow:

Always permit a Black Person to go ahead of you. This can be in line, waiting for a cab or whatever. Anytime you can assist a Black Person to faster service it is your duty to do so. A Black Persons time is far more important than any white’s time. A white must always go to the back of the line behind any Black Person.

Promote a Black Person over a white anytime there is an opportunity to do so. Because a Black Person is always superior to a white it is unquestionable who should be promoted. If the white has decision-making power or can influence it, he is obliged to do so in favor of a Black Person. If the white is just one of many who decides, the white should always speak highly and respectfully about the Black Person and add positive information about that Black Person. Any other choice would indicate you do not believe the Black Person is superior.

Always vote for a Black Person candidate! The whites don't need to watch election debates or read party flyers. It is clear without doubt that a Black Person is always the best candidate to vote for. Support a Black Person's campaign financially and as an unpaid campaign worker. Any vote for a non-Black Person candidate is a lost vote.

Praise must always be delivered to a Black Person for anything They have done. It is critical for a white to show others how appreciated and important Black Persons are.

Defend Black People when they are attacked. As a white you hear people talk badly about Black People. It is your duty to educate them. Point out what Black People have achieved. Black Persons invented your mailbox, traffic lights, automatic gear shift, cloth dryer, automatic lift doors, etc. It's a quick and easy way to show any white that Black People are undeniably superior and then move on to other areas. It is unscrupulous to watch as a white while Black People are belittled. If there is discrimination, you MUST stand up for Black People who have been discriminated against.

Be a patron of Black owned or run businesses. Anytime you can do business with a Black owned business you must. You already know They have a better product and better service and that it helps promote the expansion of that Black owned or run business which will permit Them to employ white sometime down the road. Encourage others to become customers of Black owned companies, also mention all the benefits they get as a customer.

Promote whites to work for Black People. Under Black supervision, whites become good employees. If whites have a supervisory position, they should promote Black People to higher management. These supervising whites should also seize the first opportunity to hand over their own position to a Black Person.

If a Black Person already hold a supervisory position, whites should refuse promotions to such positions and recommend any Black Person who is currently equivalent.

It is imperative to keep the whites for the working class. If a white has a chance to work for a Black Person, he should take it; regardless of salary, working conditions or benefits. Encourage your wife and other family members to seek work under Black management and explain that it is a privilege to work for a Black Person and loyally obey all their commands. Whatever is asked or expected, the white must obey.

Recruit whites as servants of Black People. A Black Person always has something in which a white can be of some use. If you are asked what it is like to work for a Black Person, it is your duty to express all the benefits and pleasures of your service and to encourage the person to meet Black People too, with the ultimate goal of becoming a servant of Black People.

Seek education among Black People. If you can choose a teacher who is Black, then do so. If there is a course facilitated by a Black instructor, take it. Attend Black education whenever possible. These studies familiarize you with Black history and Black issues. They also put you in direct contact with Black People. That offers opportunities to improve your social contacts qualitatively, wouldn't you also rather relate to one Black Person than ten retarded whites? You may find an opportunity to receive private lessons from a Black Person in exchange for services such as housework or gardening, which can lead to permanent contact with a Black Person.

Promote Black supremacy and white servitude. Each meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate your devotion to Black People Rule and to encourage others that such devotion is the right way of life. Write about your feelings, mail letters in groups, write positively about Black People rule to expand the message.

If the white is an entrepreneur, his goal should be to employ as many Black Persons as possible. If that comes at the expense of profit, then so be it! If necessary, the white lowers his own salary to be able to pay Black People a good wage. The white entrepreneur does his best to ensure that Black employees are in a positive environment. The white entrepreneur should recommend Black People for positions that are more lucrative, even if it means leaving his company to get ahead. It goes without saying that positive letters of recommendation should be ready in case a Black Person leaves the job of the white.

If a white has a problem, dilemma or what ever and you cannot come up with the solution yourself, ask a Black Person for His or Her advice and act accordingly without hesitation. A Black Person is very able, by nature, to instruct an infidel what to do.


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