Black college guys interviewing white girls

We are, I’ve tried to bring up fantasies with her and there’s been a couple times where she’s alluded to a bull or bbc. DM me if you want more info/pics
We are, I’ve tried to bring up fantasies with her and there’s been a couple times where she’s alluded to a bull or bbc. DM me if you want more info/pics
How did she allude to a bbc? A celebrity she crushed on or athlete?
Fake, ok, but do you know what really DOES happen EVERY WEEKEND on Ft. Lauderdale beach? Come see spring break, come see amazing young white girls partying with the black guys during the day on the beach….and listen to the parties the girls get invited to. Pretty, young, white girls away from home and with being naughty an accepted behavior during spring break….those girls didn’t drive down from Georgia to hang out with white redneck boyfriends from back home. They WANT to fuck black men. You don’t have to look too hard.
My wife and I will be visiting fort lauderdale nxt feb, hope to visit beach etc
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