Politics in 2022

Okay then reluctantly as the anti-Christ you would be ****** to admit that Trump is smart??? ? ? ? ? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

most crooks that get way with ******* are smart....but sooner or later get caught also......so not that smart

he has been able...by hook and by crook to block most of the investigations into himself...pretty smart.....but by the same thing ...what has he got to hide?
old saying...….sucker born every minute....that would be my conclusion ….how about asking Kain West how he feels right now
Even if Kanye West no longer supports Trump that link points to at least 20 others that do support Trump. And besides did you forget his relatively recent trip to the White House where Kanye did this? I cannot imagine him hating Trump now? Undoubtedly you will see more of Kanye as Trump starts up his campaign @subhub174014 :)

you support a man that refused to serve in the military and fight for his country...…..hasn't paid taxes in years forsing others to pay more taxes to cover what he doesn't...…...buys and sell all of his products from China yet tells everyone else to buy American...conspired with the enemy to get the office....the guy has no redeeming qualities
most crooks that get way with ******* are smart....but sooner or later get caught also......so not that smart

he has been able...by hook and by crook to block most of the investigations into himself...pretty smart.....but by the same thing ...what has he got to hide?
That is an achievement of itself, I got you to admit Trump is smart? ??? Sorry that stunned me pal.
you support a man that refused to serve in the military and fight for his country...…..hasn't paid taxes in years forsing others to pay more taxes to cover what he doesn't...…...buys and sell all of his products from China yet tells everyone else to buy American...conspired with the enemy to get the office....the guy has no redeeming qualities
He moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, supported the rights of the unborn, and for the time being prevented Kim Jung-Un launching missiles towards both of us in North America without firing a shot. And if you bring up Otto Warmbier he went to N. Korea and poked the bear when he could have avoided that place. And while there he should have abided by their rules as he was no longer in Kansas.
He moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, supported the rights of the unborn, and for the time being prevented Kim Jung-Un launching missiles towards both of us in North America without firing a shot. And if you bring up Otto Warmbier he went to N. Korea and poked the bear when he could have avoided that place. And while there he should have abided by their rules as he was no longer in Kansas.

moving the embassy was not condoned by any of the countries in the mid east....just Israel...whom he seems to kiss ass with...but then crooks seem to hang together.....supporting the rights of the unborne…..funny way of taking away a womens rights and then cares nothing about the unborne after they are born...and he is only doing that to kiss the religious rights ass....said along time ago before he was pres it should be the womens right......Kin Jung-un is still doing whatever he wants to do....and he is playing trump like a fiddle.....
you support a man that refused to serve in the military and fight for his country...…..hasn't paid taxes in years forsing others to pay more taxes to cover what he doesn't...…...buys and sell all of his products from China yet tells everyone else to buy American...conspired with the enemy to get the office....the guy has no redeeming qualities
A man does not have to serve the military to serve America. If they have other gifts they can help America in other ways. Rodman by being a basketball player might be trivial, but he served America thus far as Kim Jung-Un was his fan and through Rodman Trump got to meet Kim Jung-Un. Also people like the late Steven Hawking who was afflicted with Lou Gehrig's disease could not possibly serve physically in the military but his service was through his mind if he were an American and I know he was British. Similary other smart men like Trump can serve America in similar ways with his mind. As you did just confess Trump is a smart man being the anti-Christ. ? ? ?

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/best-presidential-candidate-running.160759/page-4 )
No one makes them walk there
well they have done it for how many years....some to leave possible death....some for just a better life...and some for work
we are a country of immigrants to begin with.....and maybe so many wouldn't make that trek if we went to the root of the problem...taking away aid from that country is sure not the answer....but then he has no answer.....and why is it that people no where near the border are so concerned about it and yet those that live there want it left alone?
A man does not have to serve the military to serve America. If they have other gifts they can help America in other ways. Rodman by being a basketball player might be trivial, but he served America thus far as Kim Jung-Un was his fan and through Rodman Trump got to meet Kim Jung-Un. Also people like the late Steven Hawking who was afflicted with Lou Gehrig's disease could not possibly serve physically in the military but his service was through his mind if he were an American and I know he was British. Similary other smart men like Trump can serve America in similar ways with his mind. As you did just confess Trump is a smart man being the anti-Christ. ? ? ?

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/best-presidential-candidate-running.160759/page-4 )

disagree in times of war...when called you serve....he was a fucking traitor right there!
and what other gifts did he have......tax evasion? money laundering?
now you are talking about 2 different things on the rest
moving the embassy was not condoned by any of the countries in the mid east....just Israel...whom he seems to kiss ass with...but then crooks seem to hang together.....supporting the rights of the unborne…..funny way of taking away a womens rights and then cares nothing about the unborne after they are born...and he is only doing that to kiss the religious rights ass....said along time ago before he was pres it should be the womens right......Kin Jung-un is still doing whatever he wants to do....and he is playing trump like a fiddle.....
From a Christian perspective that you might not comprehend Trump is spiritually enriching himself by helping out Israel. If it helps Israel and you really hate Trump now, you will be utterly disgusted with him blessed by God after Judgment Day. And at least the unborn get to live. Did you realize that Steve Jobs was nearly aborted as a baby? Imagine the lack of everything that came out of Apple if he never existed? Excuse the intended double entendre but LIFE TRUMPS DEATH, LOL!

( https://www.rebelcircus.com/blog/12-famous-people-almost-aborted/ )
The title of this thread is "BEST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RUNNING". I have just finished reading through the responses and while there are some that are definitely on topic, there are a few that go totally off topic. Either stay on topic or stay out of the thread.
Where should the embassy be we are the infidels no matter what there

first off….it is none of our biz where they put it.....but the majority of the countries in the middle east all agreed...moving it would just increase the tensions there...….why is it that Israel has brought it up for years......and no one did in hopes of helping the peace process…..but the chump cares nothing about the peace.....just trying to help a fellow crook in Nheytinyahoo
The title of this thread is "BEST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RUNNING". I have just finished reading through the responses and while there are some that are definitely on topic, there are a few that go totally off topic. Either stay on topic or stay out of the thread.

at times they all kind of blurr together...but work their way back around