Best pic of shaved white pussy

Mrs Playin's isn't often completely shaved but we have some. This particular shot was taken while a stranger we'd just met at the lake played with her. She was sucking his cock at the time when I took this, but clearly her pussy was cooking and had ideas of it's own. The second photo isn't great but he's spreading it for me to get a shot before he licks and finger fucks her. And yes he later fucked her....


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Mrs Playin's isn't often completely shaved but we have some. This particular shot was taken while a stranger we'd just met at the lake played with her. She was sucking his cock at the time when I took this, but clearly her pussy was cooking and had ideas of it's own. The second photo isn't great but he's spreading it for me to get a shot before he licks and finger fucks her. And yes he later fucked her....
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nice wax job