Is she the same lady whose pictures were posted several times, most with longer hair.
She was a Soloist Choir Singer.
Whether she is the same woman, or not, she is Beautiful.
I remember the lady I'm referring to, may have gotten some unwelcome feedback from her Church, Neighbors and Family
Yes, her picture has been posted in a lot of different places. But you know, if someone from her church, her neighbors or family members made inappropriate comments to her, I think a wonderful retort would be something to the effect of "And please tell me sir, what were YOU doing on that site? At least MY husband supports my interests, doesn't your wife?"

I know, sometimes I can be snitty like that!


Yes, her picture has been posted in a lot of different places. But you know, if someone from her church, her neighbors or family members made inappropriate comments to her, I think a wonderful retort would be something to the effect of "And please tell me sir, what were YOU doing on that site? At least MY husband supports my interests, doesn't your wife?"

I know, sometimes I can be snitty like that!



! agree, the Question, you suggest, she ask her critics is my thoughts also. Do you now the location of more pic's of her? I know I have seen a photo spread, containing a dozen, or so, pics. I have always thought of her as Beautiful and sexy. Per the captions, with her early pics, she has an excellent voice and was thought Highly of, by her group
! agree, the Question, you suggest, she ask her critics is my thoughts also. Do you now the location of more pic's of her? I know I have seen a photo spread, containing a dozen, or so, pics. I have always thought of her as Beautiful and sexy. Per the captions, with her early pics, she has an excellent voice and was thought Highly of, by her group
No, just seen her photos all over the place.

However, one can't help but wonder if her husband (or former husband) posted the pics as a kind of revenge after the relationship broke down. If that was, in fact the case, he is in my opinion, lower than pond scum.