Are white girls/women meant to be Black Men's property?

I read some of these answers in this post and I'll tell you right now this is pure nonsense. And who want to get upset tough cookie. But this whole talk about owning people, and reparations is bullshit. Nobody should be owning anybody. I understand roleplay and what not, and that is fine. But the way some of y'all are talking as if you're trying to make these women pay for something that they had nothing to do with. We have come a long way and I know some of you, and I could read it in your inuendos and the stuff you write and I can tell that there's a lot of racism in the words trying to mask it as if it's some kind of sexual thing. But hey whatever.
I read some of these answers in this post and I'll tell you right now this is pure nonsense. And who want to get upset tough cookie. But this whole talk about owning people, and reparations is bullshit. Nobody should be owning anybody. I understand roleplay and what not, and that is fine. But the way some of y'all are talking as if you're trying to make these women pay for something that they had nothing to do with. We have come a long way and I know some of you, and I could read it in your inuendos and the stuff you write and I can tell that there's a lot of racism in the words trying to mask it as if it's some kind of sexual thing. But hey whatever.
Well said, indeed.
My wife has decided that she wants to be owned by her Black bull and his wife. She did not consult me nor should she have. I did, however, sign a notarized letter formally giving up all marital rights to her to them. She wanted it clearly understood by me that her body belongs to them until she decides otherwise. — Cuck.
My wife has decided that she wants to be owned by her Black bull and his wife. She did not consult me nor should she have. I did, however, sign a notarized letter formally giving up all marital rights to her to them. She wanted it clearly understood by me that her body belongs to them until she decides otherwise. — Cuck.
did you take vows when you got married if so how can you even write this nonsense. If your wife would do this to the man she supposedly loves then you obviously didn’t have much of a marriage anyway, or you are a total fool. I’m going to assume like most people on this forum you are living in a fantasy world.
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did you take vows when you got married if so how can you even write this nonsense. If your wife would do this to the man she supposedly loves then you obviously didn’t have much of a marriage anyway, or you are a total fool. I’m going to assume like most people on this forum you are living in a fantasy world.did you take vows when you got married if so how can you even write this nonsense. If your wife would do this to the man she supposedly loves then you obviously didn’t have much of a marriage anyway, or you are a total fool. I’m going to assume like most people on this forum you are living in a fantasy world.
Once I became impotent we amended the vows to let her fuck whomever she pleases and for me to be pussyfree. She can make any arrangement that suits her without consulting me. The letter just confirmed the reality.
Once I became impotent we amended the vows to let her fuck whomever she pleases and for me to be pussyfree. She can make any arrangement that suits her without consulting me. The letter just confirmed the reality.
Sorry for your problem but still disagree. If my wife somehow became unable to have sex, I would still consider her and discuss things. She will always be the number one person in my life. There are also other ways you can sexually satisfy your wife, but I guess to her a penis is more important than her husband. If you’re ok with it though, who am I to judge.
Appreciate your candor. My wife wanted to stay married but also have a healthy supply of hard cock. We agreed that she shouldn’t have to do without just because I was impotent which wasn’t her fault. By becoming a hotwife she had the best of both worlds. I don’t begrudge her any of what she’s getting now.
Appreciate your candor. My wife wanted to stay married but also have a healthy supply of hard cock. We agreed that she shouldn’t have to do without just because I was impotent which wasn’t her fault. By becoming a hotwife she had the best of both worlds. I don’t begrudge her any of what she’s getting now.
again who am I to judge. I will never understand it but whatever floats your boat. Good luck to you and I hope you don't look back one day and have regrets.